It's winter what new crafts a friendly and growing community of gardeners. We feature a Garden Discussion Forum and Garden Photo Gallery. It's a fun and friendly place to talk with other gardeners, ask questions, share you knowledge, view and post photos and more! Whether you're a master gardener, or brand new to the hobby, you'll find something of interest here.

When I went to the grocery store about 4 weeks ago....I was eyeing these pussywillow branches.....they had roots on them..... The florist said," I have never seen someone look at those for so long" so I explained to her that I was figuring out what to put back, so I could get these pussywillows. oh.....i need a vase too b/c these are VERY tall.... so my craft is trying to keep these pussywillows alive for months. They are getting leaf sprouts on them now. oh....i put all of the groceries back that day. The lady behind me in the checkout said,"now, honey.....don't plant theme near a water pipe." NOW THAT'S an instant....maybe i shouldn't have bought these b/c i don't know what i'm doing...i don't know where the water pipes are....oh geez ~ 20 years down the road, if I keep these alive, I'm going to get yelled at b/c the pipes will break. :) Curbie
Oh Curbie they really will hunt the water...pipes, sewer, etc.
I would just keep them in water and plant them when it warms up..I think they will just keep rooting til then.
Thanks KyaD. My FIRST thought was,"so whose yard should i plant these in if spring ever springs..........." I apologize for a crummy picture and they really are in the new glass vase. hm........why am i growing these??????? ~ Curbie


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Thank you Kya ~ I can't reconstruct things but I will try my hardest to have these survive. :) I am so watching the friendhips in the Olympics. We have one person who I will cheer for so very hard and very hard ~ he is not from the US. Have a nice evening ~ Curbie
I just love the dead fish hat Sunflower. Do you make them for the kids?

Sandi great bowling balls. What kind of glue do you use or are they cemented on?
I couldn't knit, ever......"LET me show you how to do it......." no Strenghts and Weaknesses. Listening should not be a lost art. Listen to your heart :) or don't ~ That fish hat makes me laugh! I would like to see one of those bowling balls in the summer. Can we get a bowling PIN??? Curbie :)
Remind me Curbie & I will post pics of the bowling balls in my gardens this summer.
Wouldn't be hard to get & ask Bowling Alleys, post on Freecycle?

Oma2, I use a multi purpose silicone adhesive on the flat marbled bowling balls. I find it at Walmart for under $5 and it takes me 1 & 1/2 tubes per bb :)
What a great idea SandiB. I will go on Freecycle. You are just full of great crafts :) Thank you ~ My daughter and her hubby are putting in hardwood floors themselves and I said,"DO NOT throw away the scraps of wood you make....i know someone who can use them." mom..... you make something out of nothing and this really is nothing. "NOPE :) b/c it' s not 'nothing' until you quit trying. We can make coasters. We can make a birdhouse. We can make..." 'stole' the glue gun when you made the flower vases for our wedding. well....i did do that :) but I STILL HAVE that glue gun! (I truly did glue my own cat to my kitchen table and then when I went to her house.........i glued her cat to the table....Cats don't come very close to me any more "I'M ARMED AND DANGEROUS!" but....wait....we have to find the glue gun :) Curbie


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Curbie we just got rid of 4 bowling pins last year. Never thought about posting them. Bowling alleys usually have used ones so I'd try that.
well........this will sound rather curbie-ish.......Oma ~ I don't know where a bowling alley is here but I will try. Thank you :) I can see Mike The Mailman saying......"you bought pickles to send to people all over the world and now you're buying bowling pins" SEE it'a all related ....because we like grits b/c of CG. :) Growing is Good :) ~ Curbie
I just love the dead fish hat Sunflower. Do you make them for the kids?

Sandi great bowling balls. What kind of glue do you use or are they cemented on?

I make these for anyone and any head size, and sell them for $30.00 on ESTY or where every people order them from me. The hat I have posted on here now is on Ebay for a starting bid of $15.00 hoping i can sell it.
I have a love for repairing vintage audio/visual electronic equiptment! I believe that I finished restoring that RCA floor model radio yesterday afternoon! ( took me awhile - like about 3 years ) * wish I was able to share some pics of it here with you guys * I sanded the outside cabinet ( oak ) and put a clear stain on it to help protect the wood. I replaced the speaker cloth in the front to match the oak wood cabinet and spent alot of time working with the insides ( guts ) -- The entire back is open and yes,it even has a jack on the back of the radio so that a T.V. could be plugged into the unit ( that's cool and tells one they have something pretty old there as well ) The knobs are original ( also made of wood ) and has 5 buttons to select your radio stations. - I have it in my radio collecton room in my basement and it's been quite a conversation piece ever since I brought it into my home.
Next project I have to tackle it a wire recorder. ( It's alittle like a reel - to - reel tape player but,instead of playing tape, you play wire and when the wire on the spool reaches the end -- that's all as you cannot turn a wire over to play the other side ( I don't know of any wire you can turn over to play ) :p
It's cherry finish and weighs a ton ( I think ) but it's a fun little hobby I have on the side besides plants and yes,it can be rather expensive if you are not very careful! ( I've learned that 1 afew times and I'm sure another lesson or so might show itself on me,but that's also part of the game )

* I'm not really in any hurry to get started on another little project,I just think it's cool to enjoy turning on a radio that once was the highlight of having around when the world wasn't so darn modern as it is today!! ( radios of today are made so cheaply and when they quit working correctly,they are tossed and one can buy another that's even made alittle more stronger then having the other one fixed )* I once owned and operated a vcr/tv repair shop and vcr's got so they were throw aways because it was cheaper to go out and get a new 1 that worked then to sink $$$ into the one not working. I sold that business because DVD players came into view and the tv business also went sorta south too! ( sure there are place that still service those things still,but alot rides on just how much a person enjoys having that unit to be repaired too )
I have moved onto repairing otherthings now!
Good Luck gang!
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May we see a picture of this? I could play a wire......:p What kind of songs can you play on it? ~ I watched Martha Stewart and got infuriated. Some days, I'd rather play wires. ;)Curbie
Tomorrow is another Craft Day at my house. Some of us transferrees get together every other Thursday to work on our crafty stuff, learn something new, talk about events in the community, etc. Then we go for lunch and a tour of a craft store of some sort. Tomorrow two of us are going to be working on Locker Hooking. It will be a "get acquainted with a new craft" session for both of us. I am not expecting to start a new project yet, just get my feeling for it. A new gal or two will be joining us next session, so that will be fun.
I bought some new yarn, (oh no, not more!) and am going to start to make yet another afgan, 3 this winter for me so far. I finished up a baby afgan this week and am not putting together all of my octagons and squares to finish up the one that I am making for our bedroom.
I am thinking about making some stepping stones this spring when the weather gets nicer. We all have new yards and need to make them our own. I am trying to think outside of my comfort zone.
One gal in the group just learned how to crochet and another one is knitting mittens and doing wire sculpture. She is a real artsy type, I am not artsy, but do like my needlecrafts. I wish I had the vision to really think outside the is cool to hang out with someone who does.
May we see a picture of this? I could play a wire......:p What kind of songs can you play on it? ~ I watched Martha Stewart and got infuriated. Some days, I'd rather play wires. ;)Curbie

For some odd reason,I cannot post any pics Curbie!!
songs are within the 50's early 60's and as far as I know,they only play songs that have already been recorded on a spool of wire!! :)
PRH ~ do you have a digital camera? Jade, that sounds like a lovely day. People are SO creative, whether it be the 'gift of gab' or a car mechanic or a darn good cook or a cashier at the grocery store. Caretakers, snow plow drivers, kite flyers, teachers ~ Passion is a great hobby, in my opinion but a person has to know themself. What is natural to themself ~ trendsetter, Irish setter, saute.. Have a good time tomorrow Jade :) ~ Curbie :)
PRH ~ do you have a digital camera? Curbie :)

I have a digital camera,yes and I have tried every way I know how to try posting a pic here of somekind so others can see something. What I have done,does not seem to work,but I have not let that get the best of me, one day I will get things to work and believe me - I will remember what I did! - Patience is a verture so I've heard and I seem to have alot of patience sometimes over things!! :p
The size of the photo has to be 300 x 400 to post or 400 x 300. Download your own pics, into your own computer ~ resize it. On here you have to go to click on "Go Advanced" )( not Post Quick Reply) (right below here). Then you go to 'Manage Attachments" . I do believe anything you resize to whichever folder / file you can accomplish this. ( I always name them 'EM' ) Well, see you do have the patence so we can work on this together ~ Curbie :)


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