Amaryllis a friendly and growing community of gardeners. We feature a Garden Discussion Forum and Garden Photo Gallery. It's a fun and friendly place to talk with other gardeners, ask questions, share you knowledge, view and post photos and more! Whether you're a master gardener, or brand new to the hobby, you'll find something of interest here.

Do you have the bulbs planted in a pot? If not bury them in seperate pots leaving the crown and a bit of the bulb above the soil line, put them in moderate light and give them a good drink of water and watch them grow.Post pictures as they are growing. I love Amaryllis
Yes, I was told to let them grow over the summer, then give the a dormant was on the box when I received they are still in the I shall water...and hope they re grow...thanks

I have heard they arent easy to get to re this true ?

I will take son bought them for me last I really hope I can get them to bloom again.

thanks for the help.
While I was working in 1 floral shop we would save the bulbs from year to year and had no problems with them re blooming
I have never been able to get them to re-bloom. I think it is because I don't have a place to rest them that is the right tempature it is either too warm or way too cold.
I wish you all the best luck with yours. I love amaryllis
one of mine is blooming now, I'm waiting for my other one to bloom, I let them bloom then cut off the flowers after there done blooming and water a little just to keep them alive until I can put them out side and in the fall I bring them in and cut them back give them a few months of rest or until I see new growth then I start to water and feed them so far they have bloomed for all most 5 yrs,I lost the name tag years ago so the name is lost but I don't care I like it

Amaryllis won't bloom

I don't think my amaryllisas are going to bloom. I have 6 of them that has bloomed in the past years without any problems. I repotted them all in early november. They are now over 4ft. tall and not a sign of any buds. Should I cut them back and wait a few months and try again? Any ideas on what to do?
I don't think my amaryllisas are going to bloom. I have 6 of them that has bloomed in the past years without any problems. I repotted them all in early november. They are now over 4ft. tall and not a sign of any buds. Should I cut them back and wait a few months and try again? Any ideas on what to do?

No, don't cut the leaves back!
Instead, feed the your bulbs! They are hungry and wont flower untill their bulbs are fattened up!
I use 10-30-15 which is water soluable and can be used at helf strength every other week while actively growing!
A healthy flowering size bulb is around the size of a small, to medium sized grapefruit.
One of mine, a red one called Lucky Strike' has set 4 flower stems and the first bloom should open tomorrow! This one usually blooms 3 to 4 times a year! I'll post a photo tomorrow!
Can't wait to see your amaryllis picture.
I have to admire anyone who can get them to rebloom.
I've never been able to get one to rebloom once and you get 3-4 blooms a yr.:p:D
Can't wait to see your pics
Ok Ron I gave them some food today. Hopefully they will start to bud in a week or so. Thanks a lot for the info. Mine were really pretty last year so maybe they will start to bloom soon.
Just ran downstairs with my camera to take these pics!
The lighting on the closeup is a bit off!

It will take a bit longer then just a week, or so, to bud up!
Mine never bloom at the same time, it only blooms when it's ready! Amaryllis time doesn't run the same as ours, they bloom on their own schedule!!;)

This one will bloom again in May, then again, if it feels like it, in July....then again, maybe, in late September!
I think growing them outdoors from early May to mid to late October sets them up nicely to bloom. I have them under a gazebo and receive morning sun! I feed them a lot and keep the soil well watered while they are actively growing.


  • January Amaryllis 'Lucky Strike' 001.jpg
    January Amaryllis 'Lucky Strike' 001.jpg
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  • January Amaryllis 'Lucky Strike' 003.jpg
    January Amaryllis 'Lucky Strike' 003.jpg
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All you need to do is keep them happy and give them what they need!
In reality, they do not need a rest period! :confused:
We are the ones who need a rest period from looking after them!:eek:
Since there were two amaryllis threads I merged the two into one for easier access and to keep things simple! So, you guys are not going crazy!

Awesome Amaryllis!
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I got two a few years ago and didn't take them from the box until the next year, but just because I started watering them and had two beautiful 4th of July amaryllis! Last year they didn't do much other than the leaves, but I brought them inside and put them in the basement. I just give them a splash of water every couple weeks. They're both starting to sprout a leaf now. I'm thinking I'll probably have 4th of July flowers again. I haven't repotted them or anything so I'll see how they do. My basement isn't that warm, but I'd say it's probably about 60 degrees. The only light they get is from one small window with a southern exposure. My calamint, lantana, and aloe are all greening up or growing, too.
Here's an updated photo of all 4 flower stalks:


  • January 23 2009 008.jpg
    January 23 2009 008.jpg
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