Debe... he's all recovered! it took a few months though! right now, he's been off work for 7 weeks due to the economic slowdown.
We are getting by, but only just. If it goes on for very long we will have to think of something else to do.
Our son and daughter in law have 3 little ones now, and a mortgage that turns my stomache to think about trying to make those big payments.... he's been off work same as hubby (they work for the same company) my hubby has been going with him cutting firewood to sell. It's costing us money for him to do it, but like he says, it's good exercise, and helps them out a lot. I hope this all ends soon.
Of course the silver lining is that he gets to spend a lot of time with the kids, and is giving his wife a bit of help around the house, and my hubby has been doing some of the hobbies he's not had time for, like making burl wood tables, candle holders, and he's working on a a burlwood island for my kitchen!!
Nice to meet you too Melanie! We spent a while in Oregon this past summer. Hubby and I went on a road trip down to California and meandered back along the coast and through Oregon. He really loves southern Oregon because of all the really big trees!! lol... stayed in Eureka, went to a logging museum/cookhouse for breakfast, what a beautiful town that is!!
I keep editing to add on to one post rather than reply to each post...
Jules!! I'm glad you are doing well! Hope the family is too! we've had our ups and downs the past year, some heart break and some joy. It's never easy is it?! But... if you did not have rough times, you would not appreciate the good times as much!