Bird Houses a friendly and growing community of gardeners. We feature a Garden Discussion Forum and Garden Photo Gallery. It's a fun and friendly place to talk with other gardeners, ask questions, share you knowledge, view and post photos and more! Whether you're a master gardener, or brand new to the hobby, you'll find something of interest here.


New Member
How many are making new bird houses or fixing up your old ones this year? So far we have made 3 and I am now painting a gourd bird house. Birds are building nest in 2 of the new bird houses already. My bird houses are made of left over pieces of wood from remodeling projects. Theresa :)
Please keep us posted on your bird houses and their residents.
I don't make birdhouses. Maybe one day.
There is a person at the farmers market here that brings gourds and sells them. Maybe I will see if he has any this year and get one or two. I need a bird house for the blue jays that are around here. I have been watching them collect stuff for their nest.
I really have to get where I can post pictures. I have all types of bird houses my Hubby has built me. He likes to use "found" materials. We atually have access to a lot of drift wood and there was a mill over 100 years ago close to our house. They actually had built the mill over the water and all the scrap fell in the river. We like to get wood from there. HE never follows a pattern just make sure it is built for the bird we want to attract. I am seeing house wrens now. We had wood ducks over the winter. The owls are coming back I heard them night before last.

Just finished with my bird house gourd!:)


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Shovel with bird house

This one you could do 2 different ways. You can just put the shovel in the ground or (like me) attach to a fence. Is old shovel that had been retired. Had to bring it in and redo the bird house. Will go back out on the fence tomorrow. You can also do this with a pitch fork:D


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I really have to get where I can post pictures...

Yes, you should work on that. In a couple of weeks I'll be installing the new photo gallery and then we'll really have a need for some good photos!
I need to repaint the big house this year it was going to be be a doll house but I didn't like the looks of it so it became a bird house, still to cold for me to be out painting houses


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Old birdhouse became >> a New Mosaic :p !


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    1a - Kath's Bhouse_before shot 11.21.08.jpg
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  • My 1st birdhouse - Side a - front.jpg
    My 1st birdhouse - Side a - front.jpg
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Yes, you should work on that. In a couple of weeks I'll be installing the new photo gallery and then we'll really have a need for some good photos!

If I would just buy a flash drive I could store my pics there and bring them to work. But hey the weather is great out and I just keep forgetting. I have srpring fever!!! My dial up is killing me and I refuse to pay $99 a month for the little bit I use the computer at home. I know stubborn :p and cheap!
Crabber I too have dail up and suffer with the slow computer problems. Here we can get optium cable net for $50.00 a month. But they also have a package with phone cable tv and computer that is $99.00 per month. I keep thinking about getting it but I hate to have everything in one basket. But I am now paying 74.00 a month for cable tv and I just have 1 step up from basic cable, no movie channels.Laurie has the same cable programs I do, from the same cable company and she is only paying 34.00 a month. It kills me how the CC can charge diffrent rates based on the medium income of an area.
Crabber I too have dail up and suffer with the slow computer problems. Here we can get optium cable net for $50.00 a month. But they also have a package with phone cable tv and computer that is $99.00 per month. I keep thinking about getting it but I hate to have everything in one basket. But I am now paying 74.00 a month for cable tv and I just have 1 step up from basic cable, no movie channels.Laurie has the same cable programs I do, from the same cable company and she is only paying 34.00 a month. It kills me how the CC can charge diffrent rates based on the medium income of an area.

I'm not paying $34 a month for cable, I think it's around $60 as RR is 49.95 by itself. I have digital cable and road runner though the cable company and pay $100 a month. you get it a little cheaper if you get the pgk.
Sharon the 99 oer month here is only for 12 months then it goes up to the normal price, not sure if that is the case in your area or not. I used to get my phone though them too untll I went to just a cell phone. I think my bill was around $140 a month with all 3. The phone is free long distance for all of the us and canada.
Wow $99 a month? I only pay $30 for my dsl through my phone company couldn't imagine paying $99.:eek:

Where I live they do not have DSL or Cable our only choice is either dial up or satellite. And they stick it to us on the satelite services. And I am a cheapo so I just refuse to pay it. At work I have a great T-1 service so I surf from here. I want to get a flash drive so I can bring my pics to work to post. Once again I'm a cheapo. LOL!
Crabber I too have dail up and suffer with the slow computer problems. Here we can get optium cable net for $50.00 a month. But they also have a package with phone cable tv and computer that is $99.00 per month. I keep thinking about getting it but I hate to have everything in one basket. But I am now paying 74.00 a month for cable tv and I just have 1 step up from basic cable, no movie channels.Laurie has the same cable programs I do, from the same cable company and she is only paying 34.00 a month. It kills me how the CC can charge diffrent rates based on the medium income of an area.

I just bought an old style TV antenna from for $74 + shipping. We are now getting 23 free Digital TV channels. It's like cable there are some great shows. I won't lie it was a royal pain in the %$# to get on the roof ( 2 story) but we did it. We pick up stations within 100 miles. I say we fight the big cable companies and take advantage of free TV!
The cable company that we are with is running a special right now for $19.95 a month, but they will not give us the price because we are with them already. We pay $74 a month. We are switching to satellite on Friday and getting more for $50 a month. We have to stay with it for 2 yrs. though. I just can't stand being held over a barrel to get TV. I thought that the cable company would have given us a deal to keep our business.
Kya D, thanks I like the set too, would you believe some one dump it by the road side as junk, Its just a fun set to have and looks good any place in the yard
Garden Bear-----I was just thinking also how cute that patio set was!!!!!!! Cant believe someone just left it for trash! :rolleyes:Oh well-one persons trash is another ones treasure. ;):)
Beautiful yard too-and bird house!!
Is that a recent photo? Looks like everything is blooming there! The forsythia (sp?) is beautiful!
It is so nice when you find something to recycle. I thought that it is beautiful also, Garden Bear. I love sunflowers. I have a bird bath in the shape of a sunflower. I have some small sunflowers coming up that I am going to set behind it. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to
