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Someone please help. For reasons unbeknown to me I can't post pics. now.
I go down to manage attachments, then browse and choose my picture, click on upload, a message will say please wait while downloading and after about 45 seconds a white screen will pop up. I'm doing it the way I always did but no pictures. Has something changed and I missed the noticed.
Super Moderator
Staff member
I tried just a random photo. Let's see if it works.
2006 garden_0004a.jpg
49.7 KB
· Views: 317
Super Moderator
Staff member
It seemed to work okay. That photo was some fresh-turned dirt from a mole.
Thanks Randy but I still can't get them to upload. I can post them on another forum just not on GF.
I have that same problem from time to time, especially if I try to post more than one pic.
It is really frustrating
Let's see if I can load one from photobucket. Isabelle and Zoe on one of our first chilly evenings.
So, that works.
Super Moderator & vegemm
Staff member
I think you may need to resize your pics...if they are too large they will not post...I use pic 7 but there are some free programs you can get is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to