It is amazing what upsets people ain't it
My neighbor bought a mini schnauzer to keep outdoors all year long and all it does is bark all day everyday we can have extreme low temps and snow blizzards and that little dog is out barking.
Now.I cant stand listening to that dog ,reason..It tells me she is lonely and neglected, she should not be outside for hours on end in the cold,nobody talks to her. She just barks day in day out, I can not hear my radio outside in my yard, doesn't matter where I go I hear it ,I cant even record the birds because the dog is barking. I had another neighbor that will rake her driveway for hours on end just rake it, ok rake rake go in and have some tea,warm up a bit..noooooooooo she just raked and raked.I went to buy long enough extension cords to reach her house down the street a few houses and tell her LET ME BLOW YOUR LEAVES FOR YOU! Hubby said no
So there I had it, for days on end rake rake rake on cement...It was a trying time every year*LOL
Why did it bother me..because she was distressed, I can't imagine someone actually doing that under calm situation... Hey I think I'll rake my driveway for several hours per day...No, she had a problem which was distressful to me, also, she could have used a broom or just blow them in less then 20mins work..Guess what...She moved! Bad news I think she knows the new owners a relative or something I saw her car and my daughter said, Oh No ..another year of raking ..I said no..I will not be here as soon as I see that rake come out of her car!*LOL
We never know why things bother some and not others.When I first moved out of Brooklyn to LongIsland as an adult I couldn't sleep the crickets were madding, no cars or other sounds just crickets..I lost so much sleep.
I use to have the tank in my bedroom near my bed*lol I bought them to listen to them until the toads eat 'em*LOL Crickets put me right to sleep.
Life is funny how we change our view on the silliest things that we were so seriously bothered by before.
I'll never get over the sad dog barking; it is rather disturbing and sad.