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Paint markers are great but if I don't have one handy, I use an eye liner pencil. It stays longer than a lead pencil, ink pen or magic marker. I have some plant markers that I used eye liner pencil on 2 seasons ago and the writing is still legible.
Paint markers are great but if I don't have one handy, I use an eye liner pencil. It stays longer than a lead pencil, ink pen or magic marker. I have some plant markers that I used eye liner pencil on 2 seasons ago and the writing is still legible.
I used the Popsicle sticks last year but didn't do me any good. The rabbits chewed them in half! So this year I hope to get fence put around my veggie garden. My flowers will just have to suffer.
other markers that are a soft copper foil with a wire frame. They are a permanent marker as a pen will emboss whatever you write on it. The copper will change color with oxidization, but the marking is permanent.
Those copper stake markers are what I have for my permanent expensive plants, like peony or roses or named cultivars. (Got them on a B1G1Free sale at one of the online stores - ended up with 48 for about $20). I like that they go all the way down and don't stick up to stab me. LOL! Yes, call me "grace" or just Kale! ROFL!!!!!!
Otherwise, for an annual or unknown cultivar it's the plastic spoon or knife with sharpie. Have to push them WAY down though or the "neat freak" (DH) will throw them away. Happens alot.
I label my plants, but I also make a garden map, because inevitably some of the plant stakes get lost, or the writing becomes illegible. It's a real help when I'm trying new varieties.
For my perennials & shrubs I cut up pop cans and made tags like you find on rose bushes. I rub the edges on cement to dull them & use an old ball point pen and write the plant name on them. The ink washes away quickly but the impression lasts for as long as the metal will. I poke holes in them and use garden twist ties to attach them loosely to the plants or leave them long enough to poke in the ground next to the plant.
For my perennials & shrubs I cut up pop cans and made tags like you find on rose bushes. I rub the edges on cement to dull them & use an old ball point pen and write the plant name on them. The ink washes away quickly but the impression lasts for as long as the metal will. I poke holes in them and use garden twist ties to attach them loosely to the plants or leave them long enough to poke in the ground next to the plant.
OK.... I can see I was sleeping there for a while nearly 2months!
Sorry,I lost track of this thread somehow!*LOL
Great tips!
I took a few pics,this is not the one I was speaking, of but it will last for 13 years if you write under a ladder.I did and it is still there. My landlord for 199o's tried to steal my ladder and I turned it over and said...It is my ladder*LOL Unless of course you have the same lst name*lol She sorta shut up and walked away...
I saw it a few days ago when scraping my garage*lol
I don't know that I would use that on garden plant markers though.
I can not find my other ones. This one doesn't have the ball in it.
The others did.I mainly used red, that was in 05 on paint sticks. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to