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I have a very very sad trying situation.
Patty the sicko was here to get rent money (owner that moved out to get married, you know...the plant killer) and she found great joy in her heart to blast the life out of 125 feet of perennials along the fence line.
20+ feet of 2 varieties of raspberries)
Most plants are gone without a sight of them (only a marker) some are hanging on barely. I have submitted recordings but my camera doesnt get the far South west corner (BFGarden) where many were wiped out.
** I need to know what chemical will still be in the soil next year and is there a way to preserve the soil for testing come spring? Is it feasible?
Do I want to run the water slowly and then compost heavily?

I am told the extension office isn't doing testing now until then. The man in the Hardware store told me most chemical will be gone within 3 days to 3 months with no sign of it in the soil. He also stated if there is any life to the plant she didn't chemical it.I beg to differ .
I do have very good rooted systems, (several took years to come up and bloom from seed) I plant well and added many inches of wood shredded wood chips.(15+ yards ) in the past4years.

What should I do?

What chemicals do you or have you or do you know of someone else using so I can try to determine what this wild woman used?

When eating raspberries that were sprayed earlier the same day or that day or two before, my daughter was ill.I ate them the 3rd day, a day after my daughter ,and was ill within 12-16 hours.

I only ate a few.Then right after I ate them before I was extremely full of stomach pain doubled over I saw her spray them, she said she wanted to kill the bees,she didn't like them ..What a hoot.
Anyway..I do not know what she uses all I know lots of plants are gone and I need to know what I can do to amend the rock garden and 125 row of plants and if my raspberries are edible anymore,the shoots she didn't spray.

Can you tell me what chemicals do what and if I should remove all the soil and what chemical wil kill preying mantis if they walk on the plant that was sprayed and wil it kil my toads and frogs if they eat a bug that got sprayed or touched a plant with chemical?
I am totally besides myself.I have never ever done anything to this sick being.

Please just advise me on what I should do and tell if I need to find out from the detective what she used.I dont think he knows he will have to pry it out of her.She did admit she used chemicals along the fence.
What a trying month.

I can tell you what my BFgarden should have looked like most plants are GONE!

Thank you.Whatever you say will probably be comforting...



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WOW what a piece of work she is. I am so sorry
I don't know what she used but I sure hope it isn't something that sterilizes the soil.
That couls last for several years.
If it is round-up it should be out of the soil really fast.
Maybe you could take a soil sample in and have it analyzed for what she used. I would get a sample quick before you water or it rains.
Thank you..I feel a tad better...

She is a Sick wild disturbed individual.She is a coward, hasn't come to collect rent *lol
my heart skips a beat, just the thought of seeing her,it starts to boil then I see how pathetic she is totally pathetic worse then others I thought were pathetic*LOL
She actually came here to bring me paint this summer.I offered to scrap and paint the side of her garage for free, hasn't been done in years,looked horrifying..
As she walked up my walkway she poured chemical on my plants, that is when dear BFW from seed was a gonner .. when I noticed it the same day and next days after.

Detective has taken weeks to get this into court.
Extension office isn't taking samples. Dont know what they are doing GRRRRRR
Some plants that age gone so far! (Well from this last "September" pleasure)

SWEET WOODRUFF (Only center was pored on)
Oh well..I cant talk about it anymore she is NUTS.

Thank you and any info will be most helpful.

Oh is it true, if any (killing) chemical was applied the WHOLE plant would be dead?

No, as you well know, some plants are tougher than others, and if she didn't thoroughly soak it, the plant may only show leaf damage. On the Round up and Brush-B-Gone bottles it says that some weeds may take more than one dose to be eradicated, so I suspect the same thing is true of flowers and herbs.

The most easily acquired weed killers are probably from a near by big box store like Lowe's or Walmart. Look and see what they're selling, and read on the bottle how long they say it will last in the soil.
Oh My Great Lord of Creation!
She wiped my front yard out too!:eek::eek::eek::eek:
Went to see who was doing what and to get a peek for mantis sacs..
I believe she was back,many more are dead (many stems burnt) Poor Russian Sages and butterfly bushes...

Last night and today I viewed my garden plans of all kinds ..How fast I forget what I planted... Once it is paper I am content*lol No need to use memory power when I have paper*lol

Good Merciful Lord heal my heart and break hers! She is beyond out of control....! Sure has issues...Only God can help her! Very sad the condition she is in I thought it was only in the movies..sure ewe read about it but to see it first hand sirs all kinds of thoughts and emotions!

Ok how do I amend.
water slowly or just pack mulch?
I can try to replace some.... with seed from the living ones..If I have one ...
Very sad.

Christmas displays:( @stores now.
Great idea! but...No weed killers around.

Thank you for listening I am an emotional wreck so sad.

Might I suggest some heavy pruning along with the water drenching ? This may give the Russian Sages a chance to come up next spring and others the opportunity to "Cut-off" the chemically exposed portions to remove further contaminations.
O.K. Sweetie.. I am confused...
I know I am new here but I need a little 'splainin done

you are renting right? are you capable of tending to the gardens and yard chores?

if yes then what the heck business is it of hers what buggies you have floating around?

and I definitly think she is breaking the law by spraying hazzardous chemicals in your living area and on potential food you might eat

When ever I rented it was always mostly my responsibility for the upkeep of the yard unless it was something to do with "maintanance" like a fallen tree.fence, huge bush running amuck

The only things chemical wise that I use are round up to try and kill some poison oak on the garage and weed and feed
but I would think that pruning and a good soaking for several days might do some good

but I'm not sure...
If it were at all possible I would look into moving out of this maniac's house. I think you said she was your land(she ain't no) lady
i would a. move
b. take photographic evidence to the police poisoning is a crime
c. do you have a tennants tribunal? Report her
d. make a large sign this property is protected by hidden cameras
Maybe a call to the local Conservation Police would enlighten us before sentencing her 99 to life for the murders of....
Oh Kale. I am so sorry ! I know you have delt with her for a long time and this is so just wrong on many levels. This is the same personality that would abuse children and animals. Please be so very careful. Yes most chems have short effective lives ( those that she can get her hands on anyway) The problem is that even though the chems are gone the damage to soil and such will need to be fixed. If you can just cover the areas with mulches and grass for the winter then in spring as Blue mentioned som of those plants may come back. I know you feel about your plants like I do that they are an extension of yourself and a part of you is gone. Let me know when you are ready to replant and I will be happy to send you cuttings and babies of what I have. I just feel so bad for you. I hope that something is done about her because she has other issues that need to be addressed. This is just a glimpse of what she can and will do!
I want to vent but I will sleep on it *LOL
I just wrote to you all for well over an hour..I better re read before I post...
Thank you all I will get back to you, for those that dont know of my long years issues.

I kept discovering all she did ....
Crabber are one Valued friend.
Oh I got the detective to tell me what he found out.Ortho weed killer..:(

Any info on that will be most helpful.
I have to cry myself to sleep.
You are all too kind...
O.K. Sweetie.. I am confused...
I know I am new here but I need a little 'splainin done

you are renting right? are you capable of tending to the gardens and yard chores?

if yes then what the heck business is it of hers what buggies you have floating around?

and I definitly think she is breaking the law by spraying hazzardous chemicals in your living area and on potential food you might eat

When ever I rented it was always mostly my responsibility for the upkeep of the yard unless it was something to do with "maintanance" like a fallen tree.fence, huge bush running amuck

The only things chemical wise that I use are round up to try and kill some poison oak on the garage and weed and feed
but I would think that pruning and a good soaking for several days might do some good

but I'm not sure...
I have been splainin since last night.. Awake at 4:30 and been wrting a nieghbor needs me for a few so I will be back to post the link

I decided to put it on my forum so I can delete it after you all got a chance to read it. I found it important to put "some" detail in it.

I will post the link when I am done assisting her.

Thank you and sorry for the delay!
If it were at all possible I would look into moving out of this maniac's house. I think you said she was your land(she ain't no) lady
She owns next door, has a renter.I own this house.
i would a. move
b. take photographic evidence to the police poisoning is a crime
c. do you have a tennants tribunal? Report her
d. make a large sign this property is protected by hidden cameras
Have pics ,video from my outside cameras and had a 20 minute visit showing the damage to the detective.
She has to admit to do it!
I know and he knows and everyone knows but she has to admit it.
All she did was state lies about me, I didn't have much faith in the detective you never embellish a video ever.... she knows what she did and if he states one thing wrong .....she knows what she did she will know he is lying.and then conclude there is no video.
She knows I have a camera I have 5 she knows doesn't care! Signs are visible in the windows.

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Maybe a call to the local Conservation Police would enlighten us before sentencing her 99 to life for the murders of....
Didnt understand ..local Conservation Police?

"would enlighten us before sentencing her 99 to life for the murders of."

still dont understand what this is that you are saying.

99 years would only be satisfactory if she got saved the first hour entering the prison cell and got to sit in her cell for 99 years minus 1 hour....
She can sit there for years repenting of her evil against man kind, animals and plant life alike!

Or just repent for about.... a long month say one with 31 days... and then witness to all the other unrepentant woman criminals in prison!

Give new meaning to the words "Chemical Weapons".
I am starting some new cuttings for you this weekend. Shrimp plants, mexican petunias, and I have some butterfly bush, alligator plants, giant aloe, hibiscus if they will grow there. The list continues :D
Oh Crabber...
You are just too kind..
I'm not sure any will survive here in zone 5 Crabber...Really interesting plants ...though...May get the town on my behind for growing aliens again.. My Walking Egyptian onion flipped this towns people out*LOL

No hidden for months I was getting harassed by ordinace guys to remove it *LOL
An onion *LOL
absolutely pathetic.:eek::eek:

What color /kind Butterfly bush!?? :D:D can you root it now?

Fla gardening...we are about to sob here, didn't even have a season...

I have trees inside double and single blooms*lol Mexican Petunias (perennial?)

Talk about it... Chemicals Weapons....

How do you think I can fix the soil so plants will thrive? Will my land be useless?
I dont know what it will (am/ be ) lacking I have been searching for hours on end...
I can't seem to find detail of what the chemical ACTUALLY DOES..How does it kill the plant does it self destruct slowly for days..weeks...months... next year?
Don't know yet.

How do I repair the damages?

I use a good bit of weed killers...on weeds. Now and then I slip up and make a boo-boo, like the time this baby snake slithered by and tried to hide in my butterfly bush. Before thinking...(I hate snakes) I sprayed him well as my bush!
My experience has been that ..yes, just a mist on a flower or plant and it's history forever. Usually in about three months the soil is fine for replanting...grass and weeds sure begin to grow again. I planted another B-bush the following year in place of the one I's doing fine.
I'm so sorry for your loss Kale..I would cry, then get mad..and then get revenge!!!
Sweetie...I am zone 5.. I have lots of neat stuff.. that once I get my poop in a group financially, (next year)..

I would be more than happy to send you rootins of...

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