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Kale i would call the cops and file a complaint against her. She has done this repeatedly to you in the past years. You have to start documenting this legally. You have no idea what poisons she is pouring on your soil and you are growing food crops. I would call the EPA and have them come out. This woman has got to be stopped. and the courts might be able to help you.
Sweetie...I am zone 5.. I have lots of neat stuff.. that once I get my poop in a group financially, (next year)..

I would be more than happy to send you rootins of...

Thank-you for your offer.I am trying to set up my wintersowing Ihave saved seeds from a few.I usually grow 2 or more of each.I am not sure if I have the blanket flowers burgendy and yellow and I know i dont have yellow cone and may have white.Russian sage I can get a cutting of yarrow yellow I dont think I have golden rod I may be able to split not sure.butterfly bush night I have another one may get a cutting next August or try my luck now.My plan..
To staple plastic all across the fence (that would only save the back ) Ihave plastic I bought to make a greenhouse until the town demanded I pay them to come look and approve it dont want any part of their I just brought the frame back and kept the plastic.Only I dont know how I am going to get back there to staple and where I am going to lay that plastic out to cut is goign to me the challenge of one time I will have to have her arm over the fence line which will conclude with out a shadow of a doubt her intent! Aren't I smart! know when she did it so the recording doesn't erase in over -drive or deleted because I dont see damage yet..that is the kicker..I cant record endlessly and do not know when the sicko will appear.I removed the last of my large rocks and wood, destroyed my design (over winter rocks disappear I notice when the snow is gone grrrrrrrr!)
ornaments are gone so no saving / removing them.
I have lots of work to do I have to catch her and 99years is what I hope for *LOL

Kale i would call the cops and file a complaint against her. She has done this repeatedly to you in the past years. You have to start documenting this legally. You have no idea what poisons she is pouring on your soil and you are growing food crops. I would call the EPA and have them come out. This woman has got to be stopped. and the courts might be able to help you.
EPA? No kidden:eek::eek: I tried the environmental conservation somethign or other.. and I only got emails newletters..never got a reply,I have all kinds of critters boring /living and hibernating, I found 3 Preying Mantis sacs I hope she didnt kill them I will know come May they were pretty hidden and only a quick eye could find them :D:D I was thrilled but they were among dead life but not gone life.
I will try Swindy..for certain.I called the zoo I called the Extension Office and several others..NO HELP !
I will have to check my emails to see who I emailed over all these years.
As you can read above.I have pics video and the Detective was here! He of course is not a gardener or plant specialist to say the least.Embellishing a video will never ever work unless I tell him what to say.Iknwo exactly what she does.
But..he did agree with me she made great effort .
I will go from there EPA..
Thank you Swindy.
O.K. Sweets...I just thought of a couple of other ideas...

Call your city "arborist"
To make a long story short..I had a situation arise 2 years ago over a BB that got demolished by the city work crews. He himself came out and we talked for about an hour.. The next spring he came out to see if it came did not nor did three other plants in that new bed... He got me $150!!!

Heck even try calling the Mayors office!!

Also we have here a 311 number for different information..and a 211 number for "first call for help"

you just gotta find the right "gardener" er..uhm.. I mean person....and then there will be no holds barred!!!

Just all depends on how much work you want to put into it...

and my offer still stands...I can send you rootings or seeds (I myself suck at seeds) and I don't have any of the things you listen above but I gots some other neato stuff :D
O.K. Sweets...I just thought of a couple of other ideas...

Call your city "arborist"
To make a long story short..I had a situation arise 2 years ago over a BB that got demolished by the city work crews. He himself came out and we talked for about an hour.. The next spring he came out to see if it came did not nor did three other plants in that new bed... He got me $150!!!

Heck even try calling the Mayors office!!

Also we have here a 311 number for different information..and a 211 number for "first call for help"

you just gotta find the right "gardener" er..uhm.. I mean person....and then there will be no holds barred!!!

Just all depends on how much work you want to put into it...

and my offer still stands...I can send you rootings or seeds (I myself suck at seeds) and I don't have any of the things you listen above but I gots some other neato stuff :D
Dont know of a city "arborist".????
I wont comment on the Mayor's Office.....until after my next meeting concerning 2 other situations that aren't ending.. for years now. we are tired of them threatening my sunflowers*lol (Longgggg story.......)

I tell you she (Patty) just has to admit doing it or get an unknown to bring the subject up, she is guilt free and will confess on herself with pride..I know she will.I am achin for her to announce her arrival here, she hasn't been seen by any since far as I am told...
She never came to get rent!*LOL

ok I dont know what to do ..I just saw several plants that triggered didn't ..I was thanking God for it ,it is now dead. My 2 Rose of Sharon look like a chemical is working on it. Been watching it for a few is not frost, we have had upper 60s.
I just wanted to take this moment to say GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGRrrRRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr///*lol I feel better now*lol
I just thought of something..I am trying to get retribution,one thought is to get her the list of plants that we both know she killed and attempted to kill and have her go all over town trying to get them before May2010! And money for my heartache and sorrow.

And for her to write a deep apology letter addressed to me.

As time goes by more plants are dying..I haven't a clue as to what she used...Unless she came here again.
I do not know.This is consuming my life ...I want out ....I want her no where near my house.
She is like a thief in the night...never know when it will strike.

She knows all neighbor 's schedule and calls 2 of them to "Check-up "on things!
OK I will work on my idea..

I dont know what I am saying anymore I am besides myself I want to just scream!!!!
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OH MY! I have been so overwhelmed I thought I told you all
I went to meet with the investigating Officer in person up stairs.
Turns out he stated he is my witness to the fact that the plants were intentionally killed and destroyed/ dead before nature took it's course.And that he perceived it to be chemicals and trusted what I told him.
He stated he can't testify to the fact that he saw Patty *no kidden*I was stressing she will confess, bring her in front of me I know she will I can get it out of her.
He stated ....And I quote! I tried to get her to talk I even embellished the what I saw on the recordings" My heart sank,he said I tried,the best I got out of her was may-be I did it by accident.
Now tell me if someone tells you they saw you doing something that you know you never did will you then believe a word they say?Would you admit you did anything wrong?
Why certainly not,she doesnt even believe it is recorded at all now.She got a free ticket of less guilt (if there was any) to destroy what ever whenever.
He totally destroyed my case,it is going nowhere at all anytime soon unless I see her either via recording or in person.I can't believe one would even try to tell someone they saw somethign they didnt .I told him after the fact if you want me to tell you what she did I know exactly what she does exactly.
Anyway this is on hold while I keep a short prison term from happening.
Please keep this in prayer.
Another thread for the prison term..

Serious stuff.

Oh Kale,
It is so hard to deal with this. Get a bad dog that raises heck eveytime someone comes near your house. But really I am at a lo0ss as to how you can stop her or how you can catch her. What a hateful person she is her life must really suck!
I just sent you an email, I thought I sent it last night but was distraught.I didn't see it n my sent..So sent it now.
Will have to make light of a different situation I have been consumed with.
I feel a move or explosion in my bones! We have to get to the peek of can no continue...Wonder what God is telling me get butterflies of excitement and fear then contentment ....not sure what is going on.I feel as if I am in a fog watching a twilight Zone movie or something or living with Job.Or Joseph as he is being sold or thrown in prison..very confusing....Keeping my stature.
Yikes Kale, I can relate to the whole "bad" neighbors thing. I am for the best for you to get this resolved without your blood pressure getting higher. Mine is getting higher just thinking about your situation.
I have been dealing with these people since 2001!

The TOWNSHIP PLANT POLICE etc......has been harassing for 2years or more, down hard now.

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