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Share your daylilly pics. Here's a few I have blooming...
tn_May13, 2009 005.JPG
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tn_May13, 2009 027.JPG
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tn_May13, 2009 028.JPG
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tn_May13, 2009 029.JPG
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Gloria those are stunning, I just love daylilies
The 1st one is spectacular
Those are very pretty! Thanks for the pics. I really like the second one.
Gorgeous Gloria! I have some planted but no blooms yet here in the heartland.
Dora/Garden Goddess
Wonderful daylilies Gloria. I love the colors.
Here's a few of my Daylilies.
tn_Yellow Daylily.JPG
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tn_Yellow Daylily #2.JPG
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tn_Bi-color Daylily #2.JPG
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tn_Bi-color Daylily #3.JPG
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tn_Mya and Yellow Daylily.JPG
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· Views: 345
Beautimous Dor! Who's the cutie in the last pic?
Dora/Garden Goddess
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I took these a few days ago. I need to move them. I'll take some omre in the nest couple of days there are some really nice yellow ones blooming right now.
72.6 KB
· Views: 352
Beautiful ddaylilies gals!! Gloria, I love that 2nd one. Do you know its name? Dor, LOVE 3 and 4!! And Crabbergirl that is gorgeous! It will be awhile before I can post any pics, haven't seen a single scape yet! Will have to enjoy yours for now!
OMGosh is that our little Mya? She is such a sweetie
AND I love all of the daylily pics
I love everyone's daylilies their all beautiful.Very pretty bright color's.
And you have a pretty little helper there too.

Yes, that is our little Mya Dawn. She loves to smell my blooms. I told her that Daylily looks like the color of a banana. She told my youngest daughter that flower is a banana. My daughter told her it wasn't a banana. My daughter had to give up that argument. I had to tell her I told Mya that. She came away with pollen all over her cheeks after smelling that daylily.
Dora, she is my first granddaughter Mya.
Dor she is the sweetest, I think it is fun to have them help in the garden
Thanks Dawn, she loves to be in the garden with me. She was upset a week ago my daughter told me. Their yardman ran over here trowel and she was really upset with him.
Yes she was so upset. I will get her another one this week. I forgot it today when I went to Walmart. When I garden she has to dig. Granny I want to help is what she says.
The daylilies are all beautiful but Mya wins the prize.

I'll have to enjoy yours for now. It'll be a while before mine bloom. TFS
She certainly is a keeper,beautiful! Thanks for sharing!!!!!!!
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Mya is the prettiest lilly of them all, thanks for sharing her with us Dor.
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I love Dors pictures she always has angels in them is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to