What kind of flowers do you having growing in your gardens?
Mine have gone to sleep for the winter.
I have columbines, lupines, mixed daffs, hyacinths, hostas, black eyed susans, irises, butterfly bushes, astibles, peonies, dinner plate hibiscus, asters, balloon flowers, bellflowers, foxgloves, johnny jump ups, violets, creeping and tall phlox, forget me nots, catnip, lavender, poppies, rose champion lychnis, old fashioned primrose, old fashioned geraniums, rhodies, azaleas, forsythia, burning bush, sweet peas, clematis, coneflowers, lilacs, coreopsis, mums, daisies, delphiniums, dianthus, sedums, dayliles, russian sage, cushion spurge, basket of gold, blanket flowers, lily of the valley, coral bells, old fashioned buttercup, hollyhocks, chives, alums, liatris, bee balms, sundrops, pasque flower, salvia, hens and chicks, spiderworts, rose of sharon, milkweed, spiraea, weigela, and I'm sure some other stuff
Mine have gone to sleep for the winter.
I have columbines, lupines, mixed daffs, hyacinths, hostas, black eyed susans, irises, butterfly bushes, astibles, peonies, dinner plate hibiscus, asters, balloon flowers, bellflowers, foxgloves, johnny jump ups, violets, creeping and tall phlox, forget me nots, catnip, lavender, poppies, rose champion lychnis, old fashioned primrose, old fashioned geraniums, rhodies, azaleas, forsythia, burning bush, sweet peas, clematis, coneflowers, lilacs, coreopsis, mums, daisies, delphiniums, dianthus, sedums, dayliles, russian sage, cushion spurge, basket of gold, blanket flowers, lily of the valley, coral bells, old fashioned buttercup, hollyhocks, chives, alums, liatris, bee balms, sundrops, pasque flower, salvia, hens and chicks, spiderworts, rose of sharon, milkweed, spiraea, weigela, and I'm sure some other stuff