Hello From Sunny India

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Flower4yeshua, hope you mind me asking,do you have a Jewish connection?Your user name seems Hebrewish

hello suzanne, thinking you ment "not minding" ;) and no I do not mind...yes it is hebrew Y'shua--Jesus...and rumor has it I am..:D
Opps!! Debe I ment:D do not mind!! But my lady thy answer it still elusive :).
Kale, I do wild flower gardening now....;).I just don't get the time to do some decent gardening nowadays. I just grow the easy to grow ones like zinnias, marigolds, anthuriums and some lilac/purple coloured flowers whose name I do not know, but adds some colour to the garden.
Moreover my garden is shady and may become more in the years to come for it is dominated by 3 teak trees. and 2 coconut trees.
I have a little plot near my kitchen on which I used to grow some veggies like Okra, beans, flat beans, chilles, brinjal, green and red spinach like stuff, yams, and tubers who may not have any English names, together with some lemon shrubs.
That plot has become very shady too thanks to another Coconut tree, teak tree, a gulmohar, and 2 fruit trees that resemble lychees,and a black jamun tree.Therefore the Veggies have become history.
As for the animals that lurk around my garden,Well,there is the local matronly hens,a teenaged rooster,a young mom hen and her chicks (They belong to some house in the locality.owner I am not sure of) last and not the least an assortment of cats.
Very Interesting Suzanne,
Sorry to hear your veggie have become history..
Container gardening is an option if you have the containers and sun with a water source.

You speak of trees I have no knowledge of, I'm not much for growing them(land is too small) although I do in fact care and like them.We have a TREE section if you want to post pics so we can see them!
As far as the 2 legged ones, I understand they make great compost.We have a COMPOST talk going on too! Feel free to join.
YOU must have a long growing season.. Is your ground sandy?
Very interesting.
All I know is my short season growing,here in Mi USA 14deg now.will be too cold for another 5-6 months to put out any lemon tree.

Thank-you and...
Have fun with it!
OH, BTW ,Try to keep those cats out of your gardens and trees.

FYI.. JIC > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toxoplasmosis

Other then that, cats make friendly pets..

Kale, Some pics of the trees around and in my garden are on trees and shrubs section.
The pics are not very good though.
Elephant bath

A pic of an elephant getting a scrub bath. Unfortunately movies clip cannot be uploaded.I have an interesting clip of three elephants getting a bath.


  • elephant bath.jpg
    elephant bath.jpg
    29.5 KB · Views: 286
Wow Suzanne, how cool is that. Funny how where you live determines what is everyday and what is exciting. What kind of zone are you in. I know the zone map is USA but your climate interest me.
Very interesting Suzanne! dear daughter got to spend some time with elephants when she did her trip to Asia last year, they went on a long trek up the mountain on them, she said it was very scary riding them...they are so very big in real life! lol...
Elephants are facinating .They scare me too. I keep a respectable distance of awe and wariness. They are quite like in humans in emotions. They cry and have strong family ties.So just imagine their state when they are torn from their families and kept as workers..
Therefore elephant rage is quite common.Once you see one in rage you will understand amount of self restrain they practice everyday.
Now the forest department and the government are bring about rules on domesticated elephant care.
the above pic is of a temple elephant. There is a Temple nearby in a place called Guruvayur.It a famous temple in kerala. They do not allow lower caste Hindus or people from other religion into their temple.They own hundreds of elephants which are cared for in a huge place at a place away from the temple.Our family dropped in one day and had glimpse of their day care.. must tell you , it felt good, they are taken care of reasonably well.

Crabber I live in a zone below the tropic of cancer where temp hit 38C and lowest 22C.It rains quite frequently therefore quite humid...(Could compare it with Texas clime)

Elephant ride is rather uncomfortable when you ride it like it a horse on bare back....You will need to stretch your legs on the either side quite a bit..Their back is really wide!!!:)
Jules.... aloof..... absolutely 100% not! a very very nice person, very compassionate and kind, I chatted with Jules through several emails. Sometime's being quiet or shy can be misinterpreted :)
Thanks Smiley and Kale for your kind words.....I never thought anyone would think of me as "aloof" - that's a new one for my books :)
Hi Jules, I have to say...you're definately not aloof..as none of us gardeners are.
When are you planning another trip to our coastal region of SC? This is the perfect time before it gets sooo humidly hot. Flowers are blooming everywhere now, it's a sight to behold!
Jules you are a great friend. I do want us to meet next year when you come to Myrtle Beach SC.
Gloria .... we are home now until 2010!! We do have our plans made for TWO months in your wonderful area though! I am secretly hoping for three months by 2011!! (have to work on hubby bit by bit!) I soooo love it there!
Sounds like a plan Dale.....you can find me on the beach, on a golf course, in a pool or on the beach :) (oh - or a shopping mall.....LOVE the shopping down there!)
Thank you both for your kind comments!
Oh - and Gloria/Dale - I keep the weather eye plugged in to your area on my computer! Call me crazy, but I like to see what the weather is doing there every day!
Jules, it's been wonderful this week. Since you have the eye on..you know we got some much needed rain and my gardens are lifting their leaves in praise! The temps have been surprisingly comfortable. Couldn't ask for a better week.
That's good - you sure needed the rain. Friends from the condo we stay in sent us the local Sun News with the fire news in it.....very sad.
On another note.....the leaves aren't on the trees here yet, and the azaleas that we drooled over in Wilminton NC the middle of April are JUST coming out here! We are so far behind, but our timing for Myrtle Beach just makes our springtime feel longer - and spring is my favourite season for sure! We are gettng rain here for the next 4 days, and see that is the case right up the Atlantic coast. I imagine Mainey is getting this rainy low pressure too.
Jules I can't help but think that maybe Suzanne hasn't really mastered the English language and thought referring to somebody as "Aloof" wasn't insulting and meant something else. I really can't see how anybody could refer to you as aloof.

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