a friendly and growing community of gardeners.
We feature a
Garden Discussion Forum and
Garden Photo Gallery. It's a fun and friendly place to talk with other gardeners, ask questions, share you knowledge, view and post photos and more! Whether you're a master gardener, or brand new to the hobby, you'll find something of interest here.
Love trading seeds and plants and glad to be part of your group.
Hey Weeze so glad you join us. I hope you like it here my friend. Weeze has shared her wonderful plants with me. Dor aka Grannyrose
Glad to see you here, Weeze! There are a few Texans here, I think....but soon enough, I'm sure there will be many more! This place is very nicely laid out, and it's so easy to navigate.....It's really refreshing to be able to find things with such ease.
Hope to see you here often! You're going to like this place bunches!
She's shared with me too, Dor! She's got some fabulous stuff! I sure hope you'll post some pictures, too, Weeze!
Super Moderator
Staff member
Hey Weeze!
Welcome aboard!
Welcome from the willamette valley of Oregon.Salem to exact.
This is nice group to hang out with
aka oremudpie
Super Moderator
Staff member
hey great to see you here.
Welcome , I remember you from GH. Hope you have a good time here. Great group!!!!
Hi Weeze
How have you been doing?
Long time no see.
Super Moderator
Staff member
Weeze! Welcome to the fun. Sounds like you will fit right in. Look forward to hearing what you have for trade and helping with any garden questions.
Super Moderator & vegemm
Staff member
Hello and Welcome weeze to the place, Glad you have joined in...See you around the place.
Welcome Weeze, from a fellow Texan. Glad you've found us and happy to have another Texan aboard. Hope you just make yourself at home here. You're among some of the best folks on the internet!!
Super Moderator
Staff member
Welcome Weeze..glad to have you with us.
Hi Weeze!!!!!!
Oh I Love to trade plants and seeds too!!!
And I have truly LOVED our trades and Fellowship!!
Welcome to GF I am soooooo glad you are here!
Hi Weeze I think I've recently met you on another site. Welcome to the Garden Forums family. Your gona love it here.
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