a friendly and growing community of gardeners.
We feature a Garden Discussion Forum and Garden Photo Gallery. It's a fun and friendly place to talk with other gardeners, ask questions, share you knowledge, view and post photos and more! Whether you're a master gardener, or brand new to the hobby, you'll find something of interest here.
Hi Everyone! I was looking for some plant info last night and found you all. I was thrilled to see some names I know.
Hi Laurie/Mainegal how are you? I hope you are all mended and ready for spring.
Spider_Lily/Kay, 'Tiny' is sitting on top of my computer smiling down at me.
Hi Sash, Garden Bear, Swindy.
Hi Cassiegerald MsMacgyver here.
It didn't take long to decide this is a wonderful place to be.
A little about me: I was born and raised on the island of Maui. We moved to WA in 1990 when DH got a great paying job offer and I got to retire from being a surgical technician. I am a caregiver to my DH who has end stage COPD/emphysema. This requires me to stay close to home so I spend my winters in my craft room and the rest of the year in the garden. We live in a senior citizen mobile home park so space is limited but there is enough room for my veggie garden and flower beds. I love to share my veggies and baked goods with my neighbors. I am BIG into recycling and I’m not ashamed to haul home other people’s junk and give it new life.
I look forward to seeing who else is here and to make new friends and of course to talk gardening.
Hi Bernie
So glad to see you here. I'm doing well, thanks for asking. I was suppose to go to Boston on Tues but they called last week and rescheduled it for the 17th. Glad they did now as they are saying snow tonight and tomorrow 10-15" and flurries on Tues. Hopefully by the 17th the snow will be over with.
Are you in the part of Washington that got alot of snow this winter? WE've had enough and I want spring. Saw a green leave of a columbine next to the house yesterday, it will be covered with snow after this storm. Spring is in 3 weeks. Melt snow melt
Laurie are you going to Boston for a check up. Please tell me you don't need any more surgery. Glad you wont be traveling in nasty weather.
No we didn't get a lot of snow here but what we did get stayed on the ground for nearly four months which doesn't happen here often. I don't know how you live with snow for so long. It's starting to thaw here. I see bits of green peeking out of the ground. They keep saying we are having 50* highs but what they don't say is it only gets that warm for about ten minuets then it starts to drop again. Our average temps have been below freezing for months no matter what they say the highs are. I'm SOOOO ready for spring.
Oh I'm so happy to 'see' you.
Bernie, welcome! I'm one of many transplants here from elsewhere. We haven't met yet, but the moment you mentioned recycling, my heart smiled. Back where I came from, before my husband and I moved to Texas, we called that dumpster diving. We were living in a college town. I can't tell you how much stuff I managed to recycle or re-purpose. I think my best find was a mahogany cabinet. It must have been severed from a 1940's vanity, but it still had four legs, three drawers, and the drawers were dove tailed. I refinished it, put new hardware on it, and it looks great!
I hope you enjoy it here....and maybe I'll be able to share some seeds with you sometime. We have something else in common -- that is, having such limited space.
Hello Bernie welcome! like you I just got here and I see many people i have misse for a long time. It is so good to be back with this garden family and I am glad you are a part of it now also. I am just below you in Oregon. God bless.
Welcome Bernie, I'm new to this forum actually all garden forums, my first was gardenhere which fell apart within a month of me joining. I sure am having fun just hanging out with others who are into the same things I am. Again Welcome.
Hi Bernie so glad to hear Tiny's watching over you.So glad to see you here.
Hi RiverRock glad you joined us I'm proud to see both of you.I see a few more old friend's here everyday. Our Family is growing.
Thank you all for the lovely welcome. You have all made me feel like I'm home already. It is so good to reconnect with garden family members and I know the family will continue to grow.
Laurie I'm glad to hear no more surgeries. You've had enough already.
Plantlover we call it dumpster diving here as well. Only I'm too old to actually dive in anymore, I'm afraid I won’t be able to get back out again. LOL I’m not afraid to ask someone else to dive in for me though. Hey the worst they can say is NO right. Wow that was a real score on the cabinet. I’ll bet it’s beautiful. It is a shame people don't appreciate things and see the potential in them. If I can't use it I take it to the Goodwill or Homeless shelter. My kids say there is no such thing as trash in my world.
Bernie welcome to Gardenforums I think I know you from another site. I also spent many hours looking for disgarded treasures, and love refinishing furniture. I am going to post a refinish job that I used a new process on.This is an old dining room server from the 40's that belonged to an aunt of mine and was pretty beat up .
Hi Bernie,
Sorry I missed welcoming you earlier. You sound like you will fit right in. I took see things as treasures rather than trash. Hope to talk treasures with you.
Hi Swindy nice to see you again, it's been a while. That server is beautiful. You did an awesome job restoring it. I am dreadful at restoring furniture. Haven't found anything old or really worth the effort. The few things I've found got a sanding and a lick of paint. Not that I don't keep looking. Most of the things I’ve found I use in the garden in some way.
Thanks for the welcome Crabbergirl. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to