a friendly and growing community of gardeners.
We feature a
Garden Discussion Forum and
Garden Photo Gallery. It's a fun and friendly place to talk with other gardeners, ask questions, share you knowledge, view and post photos and more! Whether you're a master gardener, or brand new to the hobby, you'll find something of interest here.
Thanks for the invite plant lover and cassiegerald. I think that I will like it here. I am glad my GH friends are heretoo!

I may need some help uploading pictures to identify myself since when I tried it tells me that it failed. There must be a trick, right? What are tags and how I use them?
Oops, got to run, see yall later...
Glad you made it here, Oma
Thanks for the invite plant lover and cassiegerald. I think that I will like it here. I am glad my GH friends are heretoo!

I may need some help uploading pictures to identify myself since when I tried it tells me that it failed. There must be a trick, right? What are tags and how I use them?
Oops, got to run, see yall later...
Glad to see you made it here, Oma. It's pretty nice here, and it's so easy to navigate and everything really works well! (Thanks to Bob!) I think that funny looking yellow box with the little thing that looks like a mountain in it is what you need to click to upload a photo.
Hope to see you around here a lot!
Oma welcome to GardenForums glad to see you here and you were invited to join us here by cassy and plantlover.
To up load picture here go to "Go Advanced" next to "Quick Post" towards the bottom of the page you will see "Manage Attachments" click on that and it will bring up a screen where you will see Browse, click on that and it will open your picture file,click on the picture you want to post and then click on upload and wait until you see that it is in the long box on that page. After you type your message scroll down to the bottom of "Additional Options" and hit " Sumit Reply" If you click on the first "Sumit Reply" your pictures won't post so be sure to go to the second Sumit Reply. I hope this helps.
Super Moderator
Staff member
Welocme to Garden Forums. Hope to see you around. If you have any more questions just ask one of us will get to you ASAP
Our family is growing WELCOME Oma.More new friend's how great is that.

Thank you all for your warm welcome and help. Swindy, I will try that to upload pictures. I appreciate being pointed in the right direction. I saw the Go Advanced button, but hadn't figured out what it was for. I suppose I need to be more inquisitive. Blessings to all!
Super Moderator & vegemm
Staff member
Welcom to the Gardening Forum...Jump on in and make yourself at home...Look forward to getting to know you here...ask if you have any questions....everyone is wonderful at helpping out..
Super Moderator
Staff member
Welcome to GF Oma. I know you'll like it here, jump in and enjoy! Looking forward to seeing your pics.
Welcome welcome. I am so glad you are here. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to