a friendly and growing community of gardeners.
We feature a
Garden Discussion Forum and
Garden Photo Gallery. It's a fun and friendly place to talk with other gardeners, ask questions, share you knowledge, view and post photos and more! Whether you're a master gardener, or brand new to the hobby, you'll find something of interest here.
As a garden designer I am constantly searching for inspiration, fresh ideas and successful planting combinations. I will share with you a couple of helpful websites: and Using the search feature on each site you can type in a plant (such as:
Nepeta). Multiple photos of the plant will appear often with companion plants and in garden settings.
Staff member
This thread is a good idea...
At some point I'll be adding an entire links directory to the site, in fact there will be two links directories, one for commercial / retail listings and one for informational sites.
Hopefully they'll grow to become a resourse for gardeners.
Super Moderator & vegemm
Staff member
Great links...thanks for posting them...
Super Moderator
Staff member
Admwrd & Dizzy, That's great! Some of us don't have the time to really surf and research so I for one am appreciative of your efforts. Keep up the great work. And thanks for sharing! I can't wait to have time to check some of these out.
Thanks for the web sites, I am on dial up and searching the web eats up alot of my time so these sites will cover most anything I need to know. Thanks for taking the time to search and post them.
Commercial/Retail Sites
Here's a few sites I absolutely love! Of course, if Bob has any of these listed as a sponsor, use Bob's link instead for the site!
Seeds For Thee The All $1.00 Open Pollinated Heirloom Seeds Store "Rincon Plant Preservation and Introduction Garden"
And their companion site:
Isaac's Seed Samples (Where all seedpacks are even less than $1.00!)
Isaac's Seed growing tips on 2x3 card in recloseable poly bags included with every pack of seeds.
FLAT RATE Postage total always $1.50 no matter how many packets of seeds you order in the U.S.A. (they combined shipping on my order from both sites AND included Bonus seeds too!!) I'm very pleased with them.
SummerHill Seeds Come with instructions and usually a bonus pack of seeds. If you sign up, you can get discounts by email. Lots of variety & specialty seeds you won't find elsewhere!
GilbertHWild & Sons Adore this company! Great peonies, lillies, daylillies and more!
MichiganBulb Be sure & check out the Butterfly & Hummingbird garden for only $9.95 on this page!!! Full lifetime guarantee!
ValueSeeds a division of Thompson & Morgan - GREAT DEALS!!!
All seed packs $0.99 or less. SHIPPING only $1.99 any order.
BulbsDirect Nice bulbs - size, variety & quality!
Garden-Hut Tricia Burkham's place - she's so nice & always has free seeds with purchase. Sign up & she'll send you discounts by email.
BigDipperFarm love their search features & filters - makes it so easy to find what plant you want!
SeedPack Great family company - esp when you need a larger quantity of a certain seed!
Brecks I've always been happy with everything purchased here.
WARNING - You will more than likely purchase something from these sites! LOL!
I really love Mow's garden 1.00 per pkt and 1 dollar Total s&h
Not a huge selection but she is really good to work with. Her plants are very reasonable and a flat 5 dollar s&h.
green roof
I would recommend consulting Permatill. Permatill are committed to fundamentally improving the methods in which soils are conditioned for gardening, landscape construction, tree care and
green roof. You can contact them for structural soil solutions. Visit their website for additional information.Kudos!
Edible flowers
I'm really good at researching, but I often don't have time to really read all I want to about a subject, so I bookmark the sites in a folder. Then when I do have time, I go back & read up.
Having DSL really freed me on the computer to be able to find most anything I want. Could never go back to dial up now.
Hope you enjoy the sites.
What an incredible site for Edible Flowers. Thanks Dizzy Daff!
Rose White, author of
"Easy Gardens A to Z"
Also, PARK SEED on Facebook is asking you for your top 10 seed lists for a chance to win your favorites on them ☺
Value seeds has closed down now

I loved value seeds. It broke my heart when they closed.
I like Issac's seeds and seeds for thee... but watch the seed count when ordering.
If you want something to do by yourself, you might want to check out landscape solutions for you. They offer quite a lot of information from garden designs, planting tips and even some techniques to achieve a better looking setup.
It is hard to appreciate something that you see per piece and so you have to take inspirations from those who are already installed. Though you would want something new, just to be ahead of everyone else.
Bravo! Great thread all!
Also sad about value seeds,its just not the same without them.
I'm great at researching, but I frequently lack the time to read everything I would like to about a topic, so I bookmark the websites in a folder. I go back and read up when I do have time.

Having DSL has given me the freedom to search for almost anything online. Could never return to dial-up service now. LOL!
Hopefully you'll enjoy the websites.
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