Hi from Diamond Illinois

GardenForums.com a friendly and growing community of gardeners. We feature a Garden Discussion Forum and Garden Photo Gallery. It's a fun and friendly place to talk with other gardeners, ask questions, share you knowledge, view and post photos and more! Whether you're a master gardener, or brand new to the hobby, you'll find something of interest here.


New Member
I am a friend of Dale's and she recommended I come and join your group. I look forward to meeting you all and getting to know you :)
I am a friend of Dale's and she recommended I come and join your group. I look forward to meeting you all and getting to know you :)

Audrey so glad you joined the group. Let me know if I can help you.:)
Hello Adurey Very nice to meet you, I know you will enjoy your time here as there are a lot of great folks here. See you around the threads.
Audrey........Welcome...........do enjoy your stay with us...........:)
Hi Audrey, beautiful name :p

Welcome aboard! Put up a chair and grab a cup...you're going to be here a while :D

Hello Audrey And Welcome from SE MI.

Here to play, learn,share and have fun!!!!!!!!!

Audrey good to see you joined our friendly group my friend. Stay in touch.

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