Hi from PA

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New Member
Hi to all from south central PA. I am a recent transplant from Ontario, but lived in PA for many years. I am looking forward to getting excited about spring with you all.
Hello Jade....Are you the same Jade I know from another gardening site...I use to go by Vegemm...Welcome to the best gardening forum around...I am thrilled oyu joined us
Hi Jade
Welcome to our world.
Browse around and ask any questions that you have.
Yup, same old Jade. I missed so many people from that "other" site that I actually started complaining about it. Mainey was nice enough to tell me about this one. It is so nice to be around familiar people again.
I am glad you are here...you have so much information and knowlege...Jump in and share away dear..:)
Hi Jade......its Maribeth. So good to see you again. Welcome.:)
Hi Jade
So glad that you came and joined us. How's Adam doing? Don't you now have a longer growing season then you did in Ontario? Hope to see you around more and I'm so glad that I found you and told you about this site...
Thanks for the warm welcome. I will be posting more about Adam, he called last week to tell me that he will be going to Afganistan within the next year. Not great news, but I will start up "Son in Afganistan, what kind of fun things to send him" after he goes. It was a big hit before and I am sure that it will be again. We only live an hour from him, and see him pretty often, which is great. He responded on the "other" forum, so, if you haven't you should read it.
I am totally in the spring spirit and didn't miss the horrid winter that they had in Goderich this year. We have had very little snow and freezing temps here this winter. My rosemary and thyme are still alive on the deck in a pot.
Happy seeing all of my gardening buddies again.
Welcome and nice to meet you Jade. Looking forward to hearing more about your Spring gardens and your son's military activities. Glad to have you join us.
Hello I'm new to this group and enjoying it..I live close enough to Debe that when she come to town sometimes she'll come by for a cup of coffee and to catch up on each others news.
Have a good week
melanie aka oremudpie
Good evening, Miss Jade, and welcome. There are a lot of us here that are looking forward to the coming spring. I was working outside on our chicken pen and the sky was pretty clear, but we had a wind out of the north and it reminded me of the raw cold days we had when I lived in Texas and we would get those winds out of the north. But I got quite a bit done on the chicken pen. In another couple of weeks I can start putting some seeds into some pots and start them in the greenhouse.
I was wondering if that was you when I replied to a few of your post! Welcome nice to reconnect with you.
Hi Jade I remember you from another site, so great to see you here! Spring is so close and we are all waiting so impatiently. Where in Pa are you? Hope to see you around the threads.
Hi Jade I remember you from another site, so great to see you here! Spring is so close and we are all waiting so impatiently. Where in Pa are you? Hope to see you around the threads.

We are in Fayetteville. We wanted to be rural enough, but not too rural. This neighborhood is full of people who commute to work, so noone is around. I think that I should become the neighborhood planner so that we all get to know each other. Everyone is afraid of everyone. It is scarey to me. I don't want a security system.
I am so happy to see my old friends again.

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