Hi from Tennessee

GardenForums.com a friendly and growing community of gardeners. We feature a Garden Discussion Forum and Garden Photo Gallery. It's a fun and friendly place to talk with other gardeners, ask questions, share you knowledge, view and post photos and more! Whether you're a master gardener, or brand new to the hobby, you'll find something of interest here.


New Member
Hi my name is Velvet,Im from Lewisburg ,TN.My hobbies are my grandkids and flower gardening.I am a seed addict(there are those of you here that started this addiction and you know who you are):D My new hobby this year is wintersowing which I have become totally addicted.Thanks to my friends that invited me here,I think this could be my new home...velvet
Hello Velvet and welcome. I am so glad to see another familar gardening friend. This is a great place with great people. Take a look around and get to know everyone. Dor aka Grannyrose
Hi my name is Velvet,Im from Lewisburg ,TN.My hobbies are my grandkids and flower gardening.I am a seed addict(there are those of you here that started this addiction and you know who you are):D My new hobby this year is wintersowing which I have become totally addicted.Thanks to my friends that invited me here,I think this could be my new home...velvet

WHOO HOOO!!! Glad to see you Velvet!!!
Hi Velvet,
Not sure we ever met but I'm glad you are here. Anyone who shares my 2 addictions
( grandkids and gardens) is a great addition!
Welcome velvet, nice to see you ...seems we share the same hobbies ....although mine are grandkids and veggie gardening...Look forward to seeing you around the place
Welcome. Are you anywhere near Jackson? Going there over easter to look at a house, trying to get out of NY. I know you'll love it here, friendly people, good advise and lots of fun. Annette
Welcome Velvet
I am so glad you came on over.
We sure will enjoy you and your input.
Kya D
Welcome Velvet welcome to Gardenforums. I see you already have some friends here so you should feel right at home in no time at all.
Quack quack, hello Velvet,
I live near Debe in the Willamette Valley of Oregon..
I garden with two cocker spaniels for helpers..
ake oremudpie
Welcome Velvet, what a pretty Name :D
One more seed sown never hurt anyone *LOL
Keep on sowing!


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