Homemade Greenhouse

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Ok, I know... this is a greenhorn greenhouse but it's a beginning. RJ and I are planning to start tomato seeds in here as well as a few other things.


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Here's an idea for an aquarium that's no longer used. Lined the inside with a clear trash bag. I put hay in the bottom to bring the plants closer to the light. Added potting soild and tomato seeds and wa-la, indoor greenhouse!


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Thanks Crabber, I'm trying to find things to occupy all this time I seem to have on my hands right now and get away from FB games a little bit! LOL
Thanks Mr Randy. RJ wa so proud this morning, he's got a few seeds sprouting already. Probably a thousand or so in his 3 beds so far. Our feed and seed store has let us know there will be no bundles of tomato plants this year. We usually buy bundles because it's much cheaper that way and we plant 200 to 300 plants each season. Flats and single pots are outragously priced. We hope to be able to keep the gardeners in our area happy :)
Cool greenhouse Gloria!

I'm waiting for all the snow to melt so I can put my coldframe together!
Got lots of seedlings that will need to be placed out in another month of so, to harden off!
Really, this is a huge experiment for us. Tonight we have a gas heater running in there. The temps have dropped from 75+ today and down to 40 tonight. We'll learn as we go...
OK, 3 weeks later, we have some tomato plants growing. We're growing 2 types, Beef Steak and Brandywine.


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Thanks for the support friends. Randy, we'll plant the usual, around 300 plants. That gives me plenty for canning and sharing with family and friends. We'll sell some some of the plants once they're mature enough to move. We're going to try to grow a few vegetables year round for our own use. Learning as we go..I'm lovin it!!
Thers a nusery here in town i found last year,they are so great with there price,tomatoe plants 50cents,but i like fiddling with the seeds my self so i sow my own.

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