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Hi everyone!
Wow I see a lot of familiar names/faces around here.
I used to live in Oregon but moved in June to Iowa because of a job transfer. So far we like it here. We had our first snowfall this past Saturday.
I live with my fiance' Bob in Granger IA. We live with our two furbabies, a mixed breed dog named Jessie and a housecat named Gizmo.
I have three grown children, Bill 23, Elizabeth 22, and Jacob 21. I have a 2.5 year old grandson who is Elizabeth's son. They all live back in Oregon but I get to fly back frequently to see them.
I am in my last year of graduate school at Oregon State. I am studying Org Develoment/Adult education and training. I can't tell you how excited I am to be finishing this June.
Right now I don't have to much of a garden although I have an acre to create a garden. Last summer's garden was all in containers because I got to Iowa to late to start anything in the ground. I already have my basement "grow operation" in the planning stages so hopefully I will have plants to get me going in the Spring.
Looking forward to chatting with everyone!
Dora/Garden Goddess
Super Moderator
Staff member
So glad you joined us. It sure is nice seeing old friends again and having a place to hang out all together. I think this site is going to be a great place once it's all up and running.
Hope to see you around. Say hi to Bob
Enjoy that snow, we haven't had any yet but it's coming. We are getting rain today but inland is getting snow
Welp I don't think you get much more inland than Iowa lol! I've never lived this far from the ocean before. I am amazed by all the water around us though. We've got rivers and lakes and streams all over the place.
One thing that is very different is there is (so far) much more sunshine than in Oregon. It's weird to have to bundle up and then put on sunglasses lol! I love it!
Dora/Garden Goddess
Super Moderator
Staff member
you really need sunglasses in the winter with the glare from the snow
Hi Gardengoddess.................I know I have seen your name before some time back...........looking forward in seeing you around the forum

Super Moderator
Staff member
Wow look at all the people coming in that I talked to before. How very much like home this is getting to be.
Hi gardengoddes it is so good to see you here. I bet that big yellow thing in the sky had you worried when you first moved to Iowa lol. I lived in the portland area (Lake Oswego)for a couple of years. I loved almost everything about the area but I couldn't take the weather. See you around the threads.
Welcome GardenGodess Nice to meet you . Linda
Thanks for the welcome everyone
Dora/Garden Goddess
Super Moderator & vegemm
Staff member
Hello Dora...SO you and Bob are all moved I take it....You enjoy the good life?...Hope you will have pictures of your new place to post...
Hello Dora...SO you and Bob are all moved I take it....You enjoy the good life?...Hope you will have pictures of your new place to post...
Hey Debe!
I don't know know how I missed it was you lol! I'm a doink sometimes. Anywho, yes Bob and I are all moved. Slowly but surely getting settled. We are all unpacked but the work of make the new home our own in continuous
I have set up an album under my profile with pics of my new home. I'm not sure how to share it other than to let folks know it's out there. Let me know if you can't find it. In the mean time here's a couple of outside shots
Dora/Garden Goddess
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Super Moderator & vegemm
Staff member
WOW how beautiful....If you go to the Quick links and click there is a drop down menu...then Pictures and Albums...clcik and I do think that is where our photo albums are...I am off to go take a lookie...Am so glad you two had a good move....sad though that we were not all able to get together before your move...seems the get together was too long ago ...and No problem on not knowing it was me...Guess I shouldhave kept them old one understood it...LOL
Super Moderator & vegemm
Staff member
well fiddle...that is incorrect information on the album...mine it there but I don't see to look at your profile page ...
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