I am from South Carolina

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I have been retired for 6+ years. Never met a vegetable or flower I didn't like. Love to dig in the dirt, it's very therapeutic. I know a lot of members here and look forward to getting to know more of you.
Hi Dale,
Welcome! I think we have beenon another forum together if you are the same Dale. Look forward to seeing you around.
GardenGoddess I love lima beans. Dried beans are full of fiber, among other things and are good. Maybe you should try the dried colored beans. They taste sorta like large butterbeans. Remember I am from the deep south so we often cook the lima beans with a big chunk of ham.
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Hi Dale good to meet you :) Unfortunately I have met vegies I didn't like, namely lima beans lol!

Dora/Garden Goddess

Hi Dale, Merry Christmas, glad you joined us.
I think the Goddess has just not had lima beans cooked "our" way. Those things in a can does not give southern country cooked lima beans justice! Maybe I should jar some and send her a quart!:D
Beans beans the musical....

Hi Dale, Merry Christmas, glad you joined us.
I think the Goddess has just not had lima beans cooked "our" way. Those things in a can does not give southern country cooked lima beans justice! Maybe I should jar some and send her a quart!:D

My dad would get the frozen ones. I don't think he put ham in them though. My best friend's husband is from southeast Texas and he will eat them right out of the can (glark!) Dad would make green beans with bacon and potatoes and that was good. When we had limas at dinner I would swallow them whole with my milk. I just never could acquire a taste for limas or split pea soup.

I know beans are good for me I just prefer them mexican style :)

Dora/Garden Goddess
Hi Dale, Merry Christmas, glad you joined us.
I think the Goddess has just not had lima beans cooked "our" way. Those things in a can does not give southern country cooked lima beans justice! Maybe I should jar some and send her a quart!:D

Gloria sounds like a great idea to me, we might convert a lot of folks here to our Southern ways.
Welcome Dale
So glad you joined us. Hope to see you around. Merry Christmas
I'm like you Dora, no lima beans or split pea soup... YUK!!!
I don't even care for frozen string beans, they have to be canned or fresh....which I love
That's probably true, Miss Gloria. Our granddaughter (Arianna) told us once that she liked my canned green beans but didn't like them fresh. I told her, "Of course, you do." I fixed some for dinner and I fried about a third of a pound of bacon, drained it, and crunched it up in the beans. Ari decided she really did like the fresh green beans. A few nights back I prepared chili and cornbread for dinner. Since David has a reputation for anti-social behaviour after eating beans, I invested in some beano tablets. At the dinner table I shared with the family that they were there for them if they desired and commented about David. He was uncooperative. He said he would not squander such an opportunity the next day at work. I don't know what we are going to do with that guy.
Randy I wish my husband liked to cook like you do. He acts like he has two left hands when he is in the kitchen to help.
Well, Dale, some guys just have no interest along that line. Our son called from Texas yesterday and he told us that his son, now 17, is really into cooking. Our son was also interested at a young age and when he went into the army, he became a cook. Most of his working life has been in the food industry although now, he is involved in retail business (Sears).
My dad would get the frozen ones. I don't think he put ham in them though. My best friend's husband is from southeast Texas and he will eat them right out of the can (glark!) Dad would make green beans with bacon and potatoes and that was good. When we had limas at dinner I would swallow them whole with my milk. I just never could acquire a taste for limas or split pea soup.

I know beans are good for me I just prefer them mexican style :)

Dora/Garden Goddess

Oh no dear..frozen are still not the same as dry Lima Beans. These comes in a plastic bag. It takes about 2 and a half hours to cook them tender and has a whole different taste than the frozen or canned lima beans. I'm out at the moment but next time I pick up a bag, I'll post a pic.
Lima beans are one of the items I realized I liked once I got hungry enough. Liver was another one. My Mom would prepare those things and I would eat some liver, but didn't like it. But there wasn't much else, so I would eat a minimum. The thing that changed my likes and dislikes was time in the navy. We didn't have access to the family refigerator to find suitable substitutes for the things we didn't like. I see the same thing happening with my grandchildren. They can tell just by looking at something that they don't like it. LOL

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