I am so excited

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Kya D

Active Member
yea!!!!! :D:DI was just out weeding my daylilies and found that I have scapes on 10 of them. I can hardly wait for them too bloom.;)
I will take pics and see if I can post them.:rolleyes::confused:
Don't you just love them Kya! My first daylily bloomed today!. I have several plants but only one varriety. I love them so much I hope to get some others in time.
Daylilies can be addictive. There are sooooooo many beautiful varieties. I had a Fuchsia Dreams start blooming this weekend, the Dragon's eye has been blooming for a week or so, and the Pardon Me and Ruby Stella have buds.
My neighbor just got the mother load of luck. Her pastor gave her 50 3gal pots of all colors of day lilies! She said when they all bloom and she tags them she will share with me.
Dawn you are so lucky. Mine have bloom out for the most part already!
WOW!!!! that is a heck of alot of lilies...how beautiful that will be...

Had my first day liliy bloom last week...it is a wonderul salmon color with yellow middle..
I am so tickled cuz I know that none of these are ditch lilies almost all of them came from gilbert wild.
I sure hope there are some purdy ones.
Ms T which lily blooms all summer? Is it that happy returns or maybe a stella d oro
My stellas bloom for months once they start. And they started last week

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