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Yea!!!!! I have snowdrops blooming and all of my bulbs are starting to gow. I could NOT be more excited. Even my iris, hollyhocks and daylilies are greening up.
That's great new's Kya I'm so ready for Spring.We may have a few more week's of cold weather.Dad alway's said we would have a cold snap before Easter.Easter's is the fifth Sunday from now.So Spring is on it's way.
I went shopping today and bought a few more thing's.I have the FEVER
I bought a Blue Girl Tea Rose hope it turn's out blue.Bought two more Thomas Edison Dahlia's,Otto Thrill Pink,Seattle Dahlia yellow trimmed in white bloom,Mystery Day Dahlia Deep red trimmed in white blooms,pack of twelve mixed Glad's,and two bearded Iris pink.So now I have plenty to do tomorrow .Suppose to be a beautiful day mid 60's.

We are going to get more cold too, but I was tickled to see em.
My Mom used to tell me that we could take a frost until the 10th of june
I bought 3 hyacinths at Walmart and gave one to my good friend Celes. They are blooming already and smelling delightful at my front door. My daylilies, irises, Lily of the Niles, and Asiatic Lilies are budding out. I am so happy spring is on it's way.
It snowed just yesterday so it was really fun seeing the new growth and the little snowdrops.
My hyacinths are budding out too, can't wait for them to bloom, I love the sweet smell they offer.
Have fun with your hyacinths Dor.
My iris and daylilies are just starting to get little new green shoots.
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I see lots of green in my gardens, snow drops are in bloom, going to do some raking today, suppose to be in the 50's here
Yea!!!!! I have snowdrops blooming and all of my bulbs are starting to gow. I could NOT be more excited. Even my iris, hollyhocks and daylilies are greening up.


I still can't see grass from all the snow!! BUT the roads and sidewalks are that a sign of SPRING in Ohio??
YAY to ya'll and your blooms showing 
Ms. Sandi I say that dry walks are a sign of spring, I mean ya gotta take signs where ya can find em.
I've got flowers

my crocus started to bloom, so I really know its spring, I started to clean up the yard and every thing is starting to pop, now its just to wait for a few weeks and I can start setting out plants I hope
I love those Gardenbear like the lavender color's.

I was looking at the calendar a minute ago and noticed something.Daylight saving's time begin's next Sunday. I'm so ready for more time in the afternoon's.

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I raked some of my gardens out yesterday. Praying that it wasn't too early. Lots of stuff up. i weeded a small garden today and moved some ground cover from one place in the yard to where I want it to grow so I don't have to mow there. I can't remember the name, small green leaves with purple flowers. At my grammie's house there is some white so want to ask my brother if I can get some as there is tons of it there.
I wish they would pick a time and leave it alone... it takes me weeks to recover from the time changes.
Laurie I hope your brother gives you some of the cute plants
Wait till after next Sunday Kya and they can leave it alone.would be fine with me.

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nice to see spring there gardenbear. I have tulips up can't wait for them to bloom. I also have cannas coming up, is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to