Lots to share

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New Member
I have LOTS to share, either for trade or for postage! The numbers in () beside each is how many trades I have to offer of each. Alot come from my garden, but some are extra's from trades where I was given more than I could possibly use. Harvested fall of 08' unless otherwise noted.

My seed list:

~Gaillardia 'Yellow Sun' (4)
~Gaillardia 'Fanfare'(1)
~Coneflower 'White Swan' (1)
~Coneflower 'Magnus' (4)
~Aster 'Wonder of Staffa' (2)
~Stokes Aster 'Blue Danube' (2)
~Hardy Glads (2)
~Mexican Hat (2)
~Sidalcea 'Party Girl'(2)
~Jack in the Pulpit (1)
~Datura 'Wrightie (P.Z7-10)(4)
~Coreopsis-Bright Yellow(3)
~Yellow Scabiosa(2)
~Rose of Sharon-Pink/Red(3)
~Rose of Sharon-Tricolor(14)
~Hibiscus 'Disco Bell Pink'(1)
~Texas Star Hibiscus(2)
~Hardy Hibiscus-Pink(1)
~Hardy Hibiscus-Pale Pink(1)
~Mimosa Tree(12)
~Actae Racemosa (Fairy Candles)(7)
~Hollyhock 'Country Romance Mix'(2)
~Hollyhock-Burgundy, single(3)

~Cleome-Mixed colors(5)
~Cleome-Pink (1)
~Four O'clock-Red (1)
~Four O'clock-Pink(1)
~Four O'clock 'Broken Colors'(3)
~Blue Mallow (2)
~Variegated Mallow(2cleaned)(1uncleaned)
~Rose Mallow-Mix(2)
~Kiss Me Over The Garden Gate(3)
~Dwarf Red Coreopsis(2)
~Tall Strawflower(4)
~Cosmos 'Sensation Mix'(3)
~Amaranthus 'Prince's Feathers'(3)
~China Aster 'Crego Mix'(1)
~Broom Corn(1)
~Tricolor Daisy(1)
~Morning Glory 'Star of Yelta'(4)
~Datura Metal Double Purple(1)
~Zinnia-Pink, short(1)
~Blue Bonnets(1)
~Double Pink(1)
~Pink Peony(1)
~Lauren's Grape(1)

~Brown Eyed Susan(2)
~Lunaria(Money Plant)(B)(2)

~Head Lettuce(4)

Will try to post some wants later! For now just let me know what you have to offer!
Hi GenD,,do you still have these for postage,,jack in pulpit, mimosa tree, actae ravemosa, mallows, kiss me over the garden gate, broom corn,,,i would love to have them if you do,,thank you for your time and kindness, take care God bless you and your loved ones,,,Cassie
Hi GenD,,do you still have these for postage,,jack in pulpit, mimosa tree, actae ravemosa, mallows, kiss me over the garden gate, broom corn,,,i would love to have them if you do,,thank you for your time and kindness, take care God bless you and your loved ones,,,Cassie

Cassie..they are yours! Sending you a pm!

I found a few others!
~Zinnia 'Magalle Mix' (1)
~Hosta-Green leafed, lavender flowers, medium sized(1)
Hi, How are you? Do you still have these for trade? Datura 'Wrightie (P.Z7-10)(4)
~Coreopsis-Bright Yellow, Rose of Sharon-Pink/Red(3)
~Rose of Sharon-Tricolor(14)
~Hibiscus 'Disco Bell Pink'(1)
~Texas Star Hibiscus(2)
~Hardy Hibiscus-Pink(1)
~Hardy Hibiscus-Pale Pink(1)
~Mimosa Tree(12)
Kiss Me Over The Garden Gate(3)
~Amaranthus 'Prince's Feathers'
~Morning Glory 'Star of Yelta'(4)
~Datura Metal Double Purple(1)
Are any of the poppies hardy for zone 5? Please let me know if any of these are still available and what I need to do. Thank you so much, Becki

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