My banana project a friendly and growing community of gardeners. We feature a Garden Discussion Forum and Garden Photo Gallery. It's a fun and friendly place to talk with other gardeners, ask questions, share you knowledge, view and post photos and more! Whether you're a master gardener, or brand new to the hobby, you'll find something of interest here.

Nothing like going bananas! Look Curbie has a barrel full of monkeys!
I actually know a guy named Mick Dolan- like Mickey Dolan of the Monkies- oh gosh Curbie is rubbing off on me :D
And my age is showing.
Oh, never let me rub off on you :) :) I made a very difficult decision today. I didn't like doing it. Made me sad. I will hold this Curb up! Curbs are strong~well, they start squishey. ~ crummy curbie
GUESS WHAT ! ! ! ! I have 3 new Nana LEAVES! I can't ever move these plants b /c they must be in just the right spots. It's like my shamrocks ~ who bloom all year long and you know what I can't grow ~ African violets. 'Maryland' can grow banana trees(all 4,823 of them...) but not a simple African violet.... I'll enjoy my new leaves :) ~ Curbie
Oh I can tell you exactly where I'd land ..... and it's not my head. There is a part of me that weighs more than my head :) I would bet I'd land on my.....Just don't hurt me. I can do THAT all by myself ~ I walked into a door the other day. I have a great goose egg on my forehead. MTM asked,"What happened to you? Who won?" The Indians and the door. CIRCLE the WAGONS! You won't believe this.....this morning, I have another new leaflet! ~ NanaMama :)
Some of my banana leaves are turning yellow so it's def time to spray them with copper fungicide. That's how I saved another one last year. :D
Trax ~ but what will your bananas taste like? Pennies? Mine are astounding! I go out every morning to fill a water bowl for our DogPatch and I had TWO new leaves. Now I am starting to yell at them ~ if YOU don't STOP GROWING, I'll have to put you in TIME OUT! I think b/c of our humidity and rain, they are just going bonkers. Hey, I got a new Betta fish yesterday. Still, Still, Still Milton died so now we have STILL, still, still, STILL Milton. My daughter gave me Milton when she had to move (she gave me 2 cats also. She has inherited a gene that makes you stupid)I think the plants are lovin' life where they are so I'll just leave them? I'll end up with a Banana Herd. oh roar. ..... :)Does Randy need a banana tree? I HAVE A GREAT IDEA! INSTEAD of PASS the PICKLE, we'll send banana trees! (I'm going to get kicked off soon so don't worry :) ) ~ Curbie :)
Nope, no banana tree for me. There's no room inside and our weather would kill it for sure.
They don't like Oklahoma either. We had a cool summer last year and they still didn't do very good.
Hey Curbie,
I'll send you some copper bananas to hang on the Christmas tree! :D
I have a 2 NEW LEAVES! I have no clue what I'm doing but I guess our weather is helping ~ banana trees must like Hazy, Hot, and Humid. I still don't know what I'll do with them in the winter. I am QUITE the banana farmer.......I don't have any place for all of these either. I couldn't believe MTM's co-worker gave me another one....well, you can't be rude. "YEAH! LOOK (rats) ANOTHER BANANA TREE! THANK you!" ~ :)
You're beginning to sound like me, CG. THAT is worrisome ~ FarmTown and I do not know what that is. LOOK how quiet I am :) ~ Curbster
Hey Curbie,
FarmTown's a FaceBook game. :) My little brother plays those. I think he's doing the Super Poke Pets thing.
I think I fixed my banana plant! :D It had mites so I cut off the eaten up leaves and sprayed it with insecticidal soap.
How many banana plants do you have now??
I think I have 6 but 1 really isn't doing well. The Cavendish are awesome looking. The one given to me looks crummy. I think it needs a bigger pot but I don't have one :) Do you think I can just shove it in the ground? I have a lilac bush that needs to be planted and :) a pussywillow. MAYBE, instead of CRABBING, someone is going to do yard work for me. oh....:) Our ground is SO hard right now though. I think I'll just sing! ~ Curbie
You guyz are too hot right now so that messed up banana plant should prolly stay inside. If you have a cardboard box then you could put a plastic garbage bag in it with some dirt and grow it like that. I did that when I didn't have any pots and it worked! :) You should prolly give it some plant food too or chop up banana peels and mix them in the dirt around the sides of the pot or box. They love chopped up banana peels! :D
Well...I decided to do something. I've had this pitiful tomato plant so it went OUT and the banana newest tree went in. All of the MamaNana's are outside. And TRULY when it SNOWS, I will need tons of advice! Guess I just bring them INSIDE :) ~ Curbie is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to
