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My little garden is coming along nicely. Looks like I may lose a couple of my tomato plants but I have replacements growing in the house.

Cucumbers, bush beans, and tomato plant


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Girl you got it going on nice plant's.What are the other plant's?Your tomato look's pretty healthy getting use to the outside weather.
Girl you got it going on nice plant's.What are the other plant's?Your tomato look's pretty healthy getting use to the outside weather.

The first pic is of some cucumbers, and the second is of bush beans. I think I set out about 20 tomato plants. I gave two to my neighbors. I have seedlings in the house of Tigerella tomatoes, bell peppers, and some different tomatoes that didn't do as well but I am going to sow some other tomato seeds and set them outside to germinate and see what happens. I have 5 peat pellets of jalapena peppers, and a to-go sandwich container of lemon cucumber seedlings. If I end up not having enough room, I will sell some of them. I am going to sow some more seeds in May so that I will have a fall garden.
My Garden

Here's a recent picture of my garden. I have bush beans, tomatoes and my cucumbers are blooming.


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This breaks my po lil heart cuz it will be 2 weeks before I can plant anything.

I know that when you and Randy plant your gardens Dawn they will be fantastic.

I went to HD today to get some Moisture control potting soil and perlite for my patio tomatoes. Tyler wanted to buy a Venus Fly Trap that he has been asking for for and a watermelon seedling. HD doesn't have Venus Fly Traps and I didn't get the watermelons because I don't have the room for the large ones. When we got home I had him to get a container and I gave him seeds for Sugarbaby watermelons and let him sow them. He was really excited.
Keep us posted on those, Miss Dorothy. I gave up on trying to grow any melons. The ones I did grow didn't taste all that good. But the ones from the market don't taste all that good either. We do have some watermelons that come from eastern Oregon though that come close to tasting as good as those from the south. But like the old saying goes, "Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades." LOL
Keep us posted on those, Miss Dorothy. I gave up on trying to grow any melons. The ones I did grow didn't taste all that good. But the ones from the market don't taste all that good either. We do have some watermelons that come from eastern Oregon though that come close to tasting as good as those from the south. But like the old saying goes, "Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades." LOL

I will Randy. I had him to sow them in a container and will let him transplant them to a large empty flower bed. On the way to his school a man has a trailer selling hay. I will buy some for the pumpkins and the melons to lay on. I will see how he takes care of them.
Those are starting to look great. I can't wait to start planting -- I may have finally decided to do a tomato plant. :)

I actually just showed my mother in law this (who is a HUGE tomato fanatic -- especially in Indiana), and she was rather impressed with your work. Bravo and congrats! I'm sure you're going to have some beautiful produce this summer. :)
The first veggies from my garden

I picked some green beans and sweet one million tomatoes from my garden today.


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Hey Dor I "planted" my beans yesterday. Dang, here we are so far behind but we still get a pretty good harvest.
Hey Randy I always heard that "Close only counts in horseshoes, hand grenades and dancing."
By golly, I never thought about dancing. I'll have to remember that one. I'm not steady enough on my feet any more that I can dance. I always wanted to learn how to do the polka and the waltz. The polka looked like it was so much fun and the waltz is such a beautiful dance.
Patio tomatoes

I have five patio tomato plants. Four of them have several toms on them. I wish my peppers were doing as well.


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I'm gaining on my planting, slower than I want but gaining in spite of myself.

Tomatoes went in two weeks ago, just in time to be assaulted by low 90s temps and dry, bright conditions. Lost a few and filled the blank spots up with broccoli. Peppers hit the ground yesterday, cauliflower a couple days ago. Still have cabbages to set out now that the soil is prepared for them.

Got most of the rocks out of part of the area that was infested, what's left will be dealt with, at least on the surface, later. That area will be getting planted to pumpkins so I can pick the stone off before they spread out, the old carcass just couldn't take any more at the present.

Made a dent in getting the vine crops in today. Five varieties of cucumbers, butternut squash and three varieties of pumpkins. Prizewinners from saved seed (still got some store seed, just in case), Atlantic giants and one, from Vessey's, call Show Entries, seed from last years prizewinning fair pumpkins. Still have Spirit, Snack Jack and Jack-Be-Little to go in. The Snack Jack and one other, Triple Treat, both have hull-less seeds, great when roasted, the SJs are also great pie pumpkins and very easy to cut and clean. Have a couple new varieties of acorn squash to put in, Tay Belle and Bush Delicata. Already have two batches of Table Queen, seperated by 10 days, with two more to go. Those are to fill a restaurant order for 30-40 a week for as many weeks as I can stretch them for.

Corn will come last, once I see just how much room I have for it.
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