New Critter ummm Plant a friendly and growing community of gardeners. We feature a Garden Discussion Forum and Garden Photo Gallery. It's a fun and friendly place to talk with other gardeners, ask questions, share you knowledge, view and post photos and more! Whether you're a master gardener, or brand new to the hobby, you'll find something of interest here.


New Member
Hi folks. Came looking for a forum that had some answers and found this one. Looks like a good friendly place and after posting a question with a quote in another section found it it's easy to use too. Thanks for that.

A bit about what we are doing. Moved to Mo from MN after getting tired of semi eternal frostbite and the new house came with a pool which I have been taking out and lately mostly filling in and recontouring the backyard at the same time. When that is done we will be doing flowers and vegies.

Hi Jack
Welcome, glad you found us. We are a bunch of friendly gardeners. Post any questions and someone will come along and answer it for you. Lots of knowledge on here.
Hope to see you around more and get to know you.
Welcome Jack. Maybe you will be able to share some before and after pics of your project with us later. Looking forward to getting to know you. Hope you enjoy our friendly gardening site. Again, glad to have you with us. If I can be of any help just holler.
Hello Jak and Welcome to the place...Yes, this is really a nice place to spend time...Wonderful people with great information about gardening ...also great to enjoy a chat along the way
welcome jack.......yes this is a very friendly place, with alot of knowledgable gardeners......enjoy and ask away....there is always someone with an answer!!!
Hi Jack,
Welcome!!!!!!!! It's great to have a new pallet to work with. You will have to post before and after pics so we can see your talent. Jump right in. Things are a bit slow right now but fall always spurs on those of us who still have good weather to work in. Glad you joined us look forward to seeingyou around!
Crabber, I have been running in panic mode here for what seems to be weeks now. This is the first morning I have been in to GF for several days. Between salsa and jamming, I haven't had any spare time. I'm not complaining though. It is self induced panic. LOL
Hi Jack Welcome Welcome Welcome. You are sure to love it here. Lots of wonderful folks lot's of good info and lots of fun. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to
