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Just had to share my new toy with you all. Man, if I had known how much work tillers were...I don't think I would have wanted one so badly. People make them look so easy on TV. I'm getting some pretty big guns running this bad boy...LOL!!
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That's a nice one Mel. I'm very fond of our tiller..takes a lot of the hoe work out. It's the one tool I will not loan!!! LOL
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That is a nice toy but too big for me. My husband uses a larger one but I have a Honda Harmony and a Stihl tiller. They both only weigh about 20+ pounds each. Just big enough for me to use in my flower beds and in the garden.
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I have a mantis, big enough for me with my arm problems. My mom does have a bigger one that if I need it, I can get someone to till it for me. Enjoy it, I love mine
Nice new toy Mel
I have a mantis and DH has a 8hp troybilt.
Hey that looks like my tiller! One thing I learned about my tiller fast, make sure the wheels are engaged. When I first got mine couldn't figure out why it didn't want to go anywhere, just in one spot and till. Neighbor pointed out the pin things next to the wheels, pull those out, line up holes on wheels then put the pins back in. After that the tiller did the work for me! LOL The only thing I had to do after that was turn it.

I am going to have to try that...I was just thinking it was bad...pulling me, knocking me down, dragging!! I guess you need to be smarter than the tiller and when it starts to get away from you....let go of the handles....oh no..not me...hold on for dear life and get drug until it tips over...and no Dizzy...I don't have!! I have learned to get my feet planted before I squeeze the handles...and then hold on for dear life. I will have to take the pins out and try it.
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SM, that looks just like mine. I know what you mean though about being drug about. The ones they show on the commercials are all tilling soil that has been well-worked. I just tilled my garden for the 5th and last time today and I could walk alongside of it like the commercials. You can maintain better control by not having the tines adjusted too deep and also by narrowing the amount of ground you cover on each pass. On my first pass each season, I try and hold it to take about a 6" cut on each pass. It takes more passes, but it's a lot easier on the body.
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Oh, I should add that on the first tilling, I had the tines set on the second notch on the adjustment bar. By the time I did the 5th tilling I was on the 5th notch. The deeper you set that adjustment bar, the shallower the tines will dig.
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You did good. A rear tine is a lot less effort and pain than a front tine. I have the biggest one Craftsman makes and it is a work out but does a great job. I find when doing a new projsct if you go into it in stages( cultivate first the light till then deep till) it is easier on the old bod!
Post some pics of you projects.
Staff member
Crabber's right, you did good getting a rear tine one, the front tine ones seem best suited for rodeo cowboys looking for bucking pratice...
Also, as the others have mentioned, start shallow at first, especially if you're cutting turf. Multiple passes may seem like more work, but they're a lot easier than one deep cut that beats you up.
Woo! Power garden tools rock!
I have a small Mantis tiller that I love, but I rent a larger tiller when I'm breaking ground on a new area. Once you get it torn up, the smaller tillers work well.
That's a nice tiller Smelly wish I had one like it.Oh wait I did but someone stole it.
When our house burned someone helped themselves to our barn.Came back to check on thing's and found alot of our thing's gone.
Nothing like the sound of power tools at work! Enjoy and then enjoy again!!

Thanks for sharin' "Your Mean Machine" with us all!
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Nothing like a tiller to help with weeds. The larger tiller is just too large for me to handle. My husband says I let the larger tiller work me instead of me working the tiller. He has the horse (large size) Troy Bilt tiller. The larger tiller does faster worker but I can't complain with how my little one works. It beats a hoe!!!
That's a nice tiller Smelly wish I had one like it.Oh wait I did but someone stole it.
When our house burned someone helped themselves to our barn.Came back to check on thing's and found alot of our thing's gone.
Oh, how awful! You know, it floored me when the pastor of his church made sure we had someone sitting at the house during my father's memorial service. People who take advantage of the misfortune of others are just so far below scum I'm at a loss to label them.
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A lot of people now have know respect for the living let alone the dead. You always reap what you sow though.
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Oh, how awful! You know, it floored me when the pastor of his church made sure we had someone sitting at the house during my father's memorial service. People who take advantage of the misfortune of others are just so far below scum I'm at a loss to label them.
That happened at my neighbors They were at the funeral for her husband and someone broke into their house during the funeral.
At my grandfathers, someone drove up the driveway, when someone looked out of the house as some friends were at the house getting the food ready for us, they drove off but we think they were going to break in as they knew a funeral was going on. it's a shame what this world is coming to now adays
Some people have no respect for other's.And I'm afraid it may get worse.
And yes they shall reap what they have sown.Sooner or later.
Basically, I have tilled up the ground, added sand, compost, peat moss, and composted manure to my heavy clay, retilled it over and over and over and then planted in it. We did two vegetable gardens and one for some more flowers. Gonna have to get alot better with it before I am able to do anything worthy of posting pictures!! I guess, if you really want to see it, I can go take some pictures of my tilled!! is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to