Orienpet lilies

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Has anyone tried any of these? If so, are they tough enough to hold up to gusty winds? They look amazing to me, but I am hesitant, as the area that I am thinking about for them is unprotected. The bed that I am planning for my new German Iris that I just ordered from Gilbert Wild will have some space that I could put some of these back behind.
We have wind all the time here and my lilies hold up really well I have never had them break except one that the dog stepped on.
Do you have the Orienpets? They are a cross between the orientals and the trumpets and some of them get up to 5-6 feet tall. I think that they are fairly new, I have never heard of them before. I may just go with some stargazers and others that may bloom later than the iris. Just trying to get my color times worked out in the yard. This bed will have a lilac, the iris, a couple of peonies, knockout roses, a fragrant viburnum standard and some stellas. Maybe I should consider a fall blooming perennial...hmm, I am going to have to think about that one.
We are switching our lawn service company to a local garden center this year, all I need is turf help, I have the rest of it pretty well underhand. The guy that is doing our service came today and I spent 45 minutes walking around the yard with him. It is well worth paying a little extra to have someone talk about the yard with me. We are on the same wavelength, curved beds for ease of mowing with the riding mower. It is always great to get reinforcement for my intincts. I am glad that I finally have instincts for this stuff. I think that it took for me to work in a garden center to get that. All greenhouse work didn't give me the perspective.
I think that I will try a couple orienpets just to see how they do, but will see if I can find them local.
I have tiger lilies, trumpet lilies, oriental lilies, and hybrid lilies but no orienpets.
It's ok Kya, I never heard of them either, just wonder how strong the stems are. They look very interesting. I like the oriental, asiatics, trumpets, etc, but these are new and exciting, so, of course, I think that I like them. I think that the orientals would give them the strong stem and the trumpets would give them more tallness...Husband will have to give me them this trip of him away, oh well he doesn't have to bring me anything home, I already got it. I haven't gone shopping for them yet, but tomorrow is garden center day, today was supposed to be, but it is cold and dreary here, I want to go when it is warm and sunny.
I have grown them for the last three year and I haven't had any problems with them. They are one of my favorities.
I looked those up and they are pretty! A little on the expensive side for me right now. The wind around my house is crazy. I have my beards tongue next to the house and they still blow over.
I think they look just amazing...one site I looked at they were like 11.99 a piece, wow, that is outta control. I am still concerned about the wind, we live in a corridor between the appalacian (sp) mountains and sometimes the wind blows over our heavy metal patio set on the deck. I just don't want to spend that kind of money to have them break off. Hmm.
I may still get some for the bed on the east side of the house that will be pretty protected. In ontario I had trumpets and asiatics in my woodland garden at the back of the property, I loved them.
I didn't pay anywhere close to $11.99 and would not eventhough I paid more than $4.50 for 3. I am going to get some more. Last year was the first time I got seeds and but I gave them all away and now I don't see my bulbs coming up yet. Usually I see my babies by now. I hope they didn't rot. I had four I think. I am going to have to dig them up really soon.
I "need" some too. I guess my biggest addictions are not shoes, but kitchen stuff and plants. You need to have some addictions.
I got some stargazer and white ones that are very frangrant at walmart a few yrs ago, i have the red lily beetles here so they destroy the lilies
Orienpets? They are a cross between the orientals and the trumpets

These are commonly known & being sold as "Lily Tree" - I have several and we do get high winds here in the mntns. I just grow them next to a sheltered wall. Takes a few years for them to get to that 5-6 foot mark. They are GORGEOUS as soon as they bloom, no matter how tall they are!:D

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