Pictures of your past gardens to get us through the winter a friendly and growing community of gardeners. We feature a Garden Discussion Forum and Garden Photo Gallery. It's a fun and friendly place to talk with other gardeners, ask questions, share you knowledge, view and post photos and more! Whether you're a master gardener, or brand new to the hobby, you'll find something of interest here.


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Being that we don't have any gardens to play in this time of year, I thought it would be great to play in each others gardens from years past. So Post pictures of last years gardens or gardens of your friends or families. I'll start with my long lost beloved gardens.This was my patio garden.


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Here is a Horse Chestnut Tree that was such a beauty at the front of the property


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this is looking towards the paito, the patio is behind the yews


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This garden area is off to the side of the patio. So here are a few of my garden lets see yours. If anyone knows how to post pic that don't convert to thumbnail size please let me know as I would love to post fullsize pics


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This first picture is of the whole garden area. I have some plants in that I started in the greenhouse. The green beans will go in on the far left and I don't have all the poles up yet. This is the 2006 garden. I didn't plant one in 2007 because of water problems. The second picture shows how I have set up the soaker hoses for watering. There is a heavy wire stretched between posts on each end of the row. Then the soaker hoses are secured to the wire with either electrical tape or nylon ties. The third picture shows my bean rows before I have all the wires and strings up. You can see the pipe that I use to drive my posts in with still on one of the posts. I'll try and post what they look like with all the wire and strings in place tomorrow. I have some resizing to do.


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here a shot of the back yard from the patio looking at the shade house and one of the shade garden. Oh how I miss being out side working


Randy I want to come by and help you plant your beans, boy you are really well set to start growing.

Garden Bear what a nice garden you have I can just imagine strolling along the grassy path looking at all your flowers. What do you have climbing on the arbors?
Wow, y'all! I'm drooling................It's time to plant! That dang ground hog didn't see his shadow, and we've got 6 more weeks of winter! Oh hell!
swindy, I grow lots of roses on my arbors most don't have names any more the tags were lost or they never had a tag when I got them but I do love the way the put color in the yard
I'm going to add a fourth row of green beans this year, Sharon. It's not that I need them, but I can always take the extra to the nursing home. We have friends that come by and get some also. I have a neighbor across the road that has an open invitation to pilfer the garden too.
These were my azalias last spring!
Boy am I ready to see these blooming again!


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Here are some Squash and Eggplants along with my way of gardening when I was still renting my house and had to deal with Grass!
Then there are the draws that I recycled to grow plants in along my driveway way back when I couldn't till*LOL
The pumpkin ended up being 85feet long that year!*LOL

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Here is my EX-front lawn all tilled up!*LOL!!!
Then the free wood chips came 7yards full of 4different tree chips.
Then my North Butterfly Garden from 05 my first year actually playing with perennials and knowing what I was doing *LOL and then my pond after all was tilled.


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Bear the trellis is so nice and must be beautiful when all the Roses are blooming. I put up a make shift trellis at the entrance of my front path. There were 2 brick columns there
that I attached the medal grid that was left over from installing the cement patio and grew morning glories over it. It was also great for decorating it with lights and white-pine roping for Christmas.

Trava your azaleas are beautiful and soooo big - how long ago did you plant them ? When I was doing my sisters landscaping I wanted to put in azaleas but she didn't want them because she said they didn't bloom long enough -- what a mistake she made.

Kale you gardens sure have come a long way since you put your name on the deed lol. I love the little white flower bed in your garden.

Randy It will be so good for your friends at the home to have fresh veggies with their meals. Your neighbor is lucky to be able to pick from your garden.
Swindy thankyou!
That as a trash to treasure of mine.I have a friend that tried to talk me into giving it to her*LOL It was originally a pet bed:) I have used it for years,I put it in a different location every year!
It is in my Pet bed this year between my roses:) I put potted herbs there to keep pest away from my beloved;)

Here are some pics of the work I did at my sisters place a couple of years ago. It is amazing to see how much growth takes place in just a couple of years. These are all of the 1'st or second year of the landscaping.


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Hummm..I can sure use your help when I need info on trees or shrubs.I have a project coming up and they are not my specialty:rolleyes:

Nice work Swindy!:D

Kale my sister wanted a low maintance landscaping, that's why I chose shrubs and trees.
And she had the money to pay for them LOL. I would love to be able to purchase all the shrubs I need for a garden but I am not playing in that ball park. But it sure was great to do it for her place. I also put in 12 Leahland pines around her pool area that can be seen from the road ( she is on a corner property) for a privicy screen. Those trees grow about 2 feet a year - up and out. Any thing I can help you with just let me know.
Very nice.I like what you have done, neat and orderly:)
Thank you. I may contact the people this coming week to see what they are wanting.
I know it will be 6 gardens easy care along with about 4 larger trees for picnic for the children.I have written up a few quick designs. Need to know their thoughts.

Everybody's gardens are so beautiful!! I have alot of beautiful plants but haven't quite gotten down the garden design thing. I will have to go through some of my pictures to show you what I have and maybe get some help with how to rearrange them to make them look heavenly like yours. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to
