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thought it would be fun to exchange 4-5 packages of seeds or bulbs or a mix of both.
please email me if interested,I will also need your mailing address.
sign up till, March 28, you will get your secret person on the 29 or 30th.
your items must be mail first class, can take a week or priority takes 2-3 days (i recommend priority) with a delivery conformation number, which you will post here for others to see and track if they want.
All items will be mailed by April 8th.
1. plantdatura
2. fishinBC
3. RiverRock
4. sfishergirl
5. crabbergirl
6. sunflower3
Sorry this thread has been MIA for a couple of days. As I was attempting to merge the 2 threads started by Karen, I managed take it one step to far and deleted both threads.

We searched for it for a couple of days hoping to be able to restore it, to no avail. Karen I am glad to see you posted this thread again as I am sure more folks will be interested in joining up. Sounds like a fun trade.
Hey swindy, this sounds like fun! Do we get a list of what the person woul like? Kim
no lists you send 4-5 packages of seeds or bulbs or a mix of both that you think they would like, its a suprise for them.
richnkim you can figure out what your person would like by seaching their posts in the flower forums and other threads and see what they are growing or if they responded to someone who is growing something and they said they would love to grow that. Just a hint.
I have already started to get things together I can't wait Only 16 more days are to funny sfishergirl. I am excited also and been thinking what I am going to put together also

Cant wait to see who my partner will be!
I am joining sound like fun
lol I am just so excited to see the snow finally melting and my afghan group has fizzled out so I have had nothing to do except for wait til June to see my crocus start to bloom. So I am quite sure my partners stuff will mail out on the 29 th
I have been on here looking at the things everyone is talking about and I'm making list!!!
up dated list, and plantdatura is Annette99, sorry about that sweetie,
1. Annette99
2. fishinBC
3. RiverRock
4. sfishergirl
5. crabbergirl
6. sunflower3
7. richnkim
just a 11 more days on this anyone else want to get involved email me please.
Sounds like fun!
Count me in please!
PMing you my info Sunflower
I'm looking forward to this. This is my first time to do any swapping. I can't wait, 6 days left to see who we get!!!!!

up dated list,
1. Annette99
2. fishinBC
3. RiverRock
4. sfishergirl
5. crabbergirl
6. sunflower3
7. richnkim
8. DizzyDaff
2 more days left, anyone else want to join us, just let me know.
Last chance to get in on this easter swap, I will take sign ups till 5pm est, then It is closed and names exchanged, thanks Karen.
everyone has been sent a private message with the name and address of your secret person, pease remember to follow the rules and we will all have fun, thanks everyone for taking part, if you have a question please feal free to send me a email, thanks Karen
ROFLOL......I got a secret too!!!!!!!! And Im not
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