Spring Plant List

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New Member
Here is my current list of plants available for trade for spring 2009. For right now I will only be trading, no postage, sorry! I ship using USPS Priority Mail with delivery confirmation and apperciate if you do the same. OK here we go!

-Summer Berries
-Summer Pastels
-Mix of colors
-Burgundy Glow
-Kwanso(great for naturalizing)
-Stella De Oro
-Ditch Lily(great for naturalizing)
-Halls Pink
-Elvis Lives
-Medium Sized Solid Green Leafed
Oriental Lily
-Arabian Red
Tiger Lily Babies(orange)
Primrose-Yellow flowers, about 24" tall
Obedient Plant
-Pink (Rose Crown I think)
--Dragon's Blood
--Unknown-yellow flowers
Lambs Ears
-Fuzzy Wuzzy
-Unknown Variety
-Chartreuse Chalet
-Unknown-In picture below
Tall Garden Phlox-Pinkish Purplish
Bee Balm-Mix
Rose of Sharon babies--2-3 yr olds
Old Fashioned Lilac
Cuttings--NEW TO ME--Will do if asked :)
-Weeping Forsythia
-Pussy Willow
-Cork Screw Willow(LIMITED)

Would like to trade for:
Tall Sedums
Or of coarse make me an offer!



  • tn_Judy's iris.jpg
    tn_Judy's iris.jpg
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I have walking blue flag Iris to trade. Is that something you would want on your Iris list. I will trade you for your Chartreuse Chalet. Just let me know by PM
Oriental lilies are gone! Cuttings no longer being offered for the bushes and tree. Everything else is still available! Pic: Bee Balm(Monarda)


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Thank you Ms. Dawn! Yours were sent on their way to you yesterday as well! Hope you enjoy them! :D
There are a few things from my list above that are no longer available:
Ajuga 'Burgundy Glow'
O.T. Lillies
Kwanso Daylily
Unknown Iris--neighbor mowed them all :eek:
Obiedent Plant is only available in a mix--they have grown together
Cuttings no longer available either

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