Texas Star Hibiscus

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I've grown several red Texas Star Hibiscus and really enjoy their pretty blooms but I wanted a white one also. I have it now! It didn't bloom last year but it sure is making a show for me now.:D


  • Wht Hib.jpg
    Wht Hib.jpg
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  • white texas star.jpg
    white texas star.jpg
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Same here, love them wonder if they would grow in Maine? I bet only as annuals tho....
I'll save seeds for anyone who wants some. I was looking back thru my trades book to see who sent me the original seeds. It was Allison. I don't think she joined us here but I send much thanks to her for those seeds.
I have a few of the white ones I bought on ebay and I better sow them before they get too old. Spiderlily's came up so I know they are still good.
Melissa, they're 6-7 inches across. The white ones are a little bigger than my red ones. Dor, none of mine bloomed the first summer I planted them. Good luck with your seeds.
Thanks Gloria. As soon as this week of rain dries up I am going to sow them.

Will you save me some seeds? I grew one from the seeds you gave me before brought it in the house but it didnt make it through the winter :(
Beautiful Gloria!
I also have both of those...I LOVE LOVE Love them!
I want to try to cross them and get a pink???
I also have seeds for both red and white if you run out ;)

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