The Bluegrass Bunch a friendly and growing community of gardeners. We feature a Garden Discussion Forum and Garden Photo Gallery. It's a fun and friendly place to talk with other gardeners, ask questions, share you knowledge, view and post photos and more! Whether you're a master gardener, or brand new to the hobby, you'll find something of interest here.

We can use many people on here as inspiration. Randy ~ what's with this riding arena? Are you a matador in your 'spare time'? 'Bullriding at Randy's. Every Saturday night. Rain or Shine' I can see the posters now ~ :)
You are funny, Curbie. I don't get on horses or fight bulls. Fiona has done some training in the arena. It is a covered arena that is 100 feet long by 70 feet wide. I have a bad back and it hurts just to think about getting bounced on a horses back. We only have one horse now though and I don't do much with him except give him an occasional carrot or apple. That rotten horse though thinks he is entitled to a treat every time he sees me from the pasture. One time I was taking a walk around the perimeter of the property and that horse was on the other side of the fence following me waiting for a handout.
Glad you survived, I knew you would.
Now that I have a car that I can travel with, you never know when I might show up at your
Of course, I would let you know ahead of time before I came out. One of these days. Wished I had someone to travel with as I want to go to NC & SC sometime too. Talked to a friend in the outer banks of NC today. Haven't seen her for over 10 yrs. We lost contact and I found her daughter on facebook and reconnected with her. We promised each other that we would not let it go long before calling each other. Told her that I have a friend in Columbia, SC and cousins in Charleston and maybe a friend moving to Raleigh that I want to come down sometime. Got some gardening friends in that area too that I would love to meet. Someday. Next yr I start getting 3 weeks of vacation, wished I had more or could afford to take time off with out pay. Maybe if I ever get to retire then I can travel more. Someday my friend. Remember my door is always open to you and the cabin girls, need notice so the house gets cleaned
I took the day off here pretty well. I had an early start though. I got up before 5:00 and had to haul some cabinet work home from where it was built over the mountain. I probably overdid it yesterday though on a project and my legs are pretty sore from going up and down ladders all day. Anyway, once the hauling was done, the only thing I have done is change the water hoses in the garden. I watched an old Jimmy Stewart movie on TV this afternoon too.
Ah, would be so cool if you showed up. The CabinGirls have already discussed coming to Maine and it may actually happen...someday. It's just such a drive!! We'll hafta save vacation time.
Just a moment to say big hellos' to everyone....hope you are alll doing well...

Picked fresh cukes, onions, squash, broccli, many different lettuces this past week... Yum the best after buying out of the store.
After a slow start, my garden is really looking good. I see a bunch of little tomatoes on the plant on the back porch. I'm still having mole problems though. I have trapped three of them, but I think there are more.
How do you trap them? I have lots in my yard now that the kitties are indoor kitties
Just this morning, my cats brought in 3 moles but that is b/c of my birdfeeder. I always try to keep them alive so I guess I shouldn't send them to Maine or Oregon once I resuscitate them...... :)
I use traps called "Cinch Traps". I think they are made here in Oregon and they are about $12 a pop. They have a similar trap for gophers too but gophers are bigger and the trap for them is a little larger. I have several other types of traps too, but they have never been as effective as the Cinch trap.
Curbie, I don't want any more moles. They sure can raise cane with the garden, especially any root crops.
Happy Birthday to my friend Deb. Hope you have an awesome day and weekend as you deserve it my friend. Hoping that you have today off for the holiday. I've got to work on my bday in a couple of weeks...
I DO get today off...I told all the patients we were closing for my birthday!! I'm heading out for a day of pilfering/whatever with CabinGirl other is working and another is heading to the Cabin. I plan on staying in Ohio for the weekend. Thanks for remembering me.

Enjoy "my" holiday everyone!!
PrettyLady ~ Show us your garden ! It must be large. Lucky you ! Munch on! ~ Curbie

Curbhopper...TThe garden is not big at all really... just a lot of a few of our favorite things....used to do a bigger garden when i canned a lot....don't get me wrong i still can...just don't do it for everyone else. I taught them all how its up to them.
I turned one of my garden rooms into a herb garden and that is where i planted my lettuce... I do have a pic somewhere.

Shiney hope your birthday is a special day for you girl...ya know I wish ya the best every day and especially on your birthday... Have super good fun girlfriend.
SHINE SHINE SHINE on your important day!


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