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Treva, I love Dessert Roses!! I have a few thanks to a very generous member who shared seeds and one who sent me a baby.
They grow so slow but they're worth the wait.
gloria I am glad yours are dong so well! They are so addictive...i am just plant obsessed!
I will try to post more pics soon...
Over 200?
Over 200???

WOW! Treva, you really ARE obsessed! LOL!!!!!!
Have you started selling them too? You are really set up to do that now.
Over 200???

WOW! Treva, you really ARE obsessed! LOL!!!!!!
Have you started selling them too? You are really set up to do that now.
I would Love to start a business...have not quite worked up the confidence yet?
We do have a big community gathering here in march, I am thinking of placing a booth there.
I would Love to start an onlne business also, maybe with some friends??
Tropicals by Treva and Friends
You think smething like that would go?
I will take some pictures of Dizzy and Daffy Rose for you.
Holy Smoke Ms. Treva
Your pics are far too cool. Love the new greenhouse.
I am really enjoying it, just running out of room! LOL
C'MON Spring!!!
Treva you are so lucky. What a wonderful set-up you have. Your flowers are truly amazing. Keep posting your pictures for us.
Treva, I think you would do wonderfully at most anything you put your hand to!

If you're not sure about setting out on your own, contact Tricia at GardenStoreNMore or maybe Onalee about providing some plant stock for them.
I could just DROOL over your greenhouse. If you are interested in going into business, Treva, there are several things you can do. Contact your state Dept. of Agriculture to see if there is any information they can provide you with about becoming a small scale nursery. You will also probably need to go through your county office to file an application for a business permit. In Texas they call it a DBA license. It costs $7 here, and it gives you the legal right to name your business whatever you call it when you apply for the license and it authorizes you to do business there. Check with your state comptroller to find out what you need to do to get a tax license. Here in Texas and elsewhere, if you sell things to people in your own state, you are required to charge sales tax on what you sell. Then you arrange with the state to pay the taxes either on a quarterly, semi annual or annual basis. With the sales and use tax permit (which is what it's called in Texas,) I can send copies of that to companies with whom I do business when I order supplies for my business and they do not have to charge me tax. If you buy supplies for your business that will be used in a product you sell for retail, you don't have to pay tax. You will have to pay tax when you sell it to people locally. You may have to look into what various states require when you ship things from state to state. California has some of the most restrictive laws in the country.
If you want to sell things online, the easiest way to start out is E-Bay, but you have to pay fees to list your products and fees to PayPal for handling the transactions. Until you establish yourself and get a significant amount of business, I wouldn't bother with any type of merchant account. The expense of that is far too great for it to be of benefit to you.
Look into places where you might be able to sell stuff locally -- farmer's markets and that sort of thing are often ideal places for selling plants. If you have a nursery license, you may also be able to sell to smaller scale plant stores or garden centers.
Where there is a will, there's a way. It will be tough and it will take a while. I've been trying to make a go of it with my candles for 3 years.....Business happens a drop at a time. Don't give up, though! If anyone can do anything, YOU CAN! You survived Katrina and look what you've accomplished since then!
awesome greenhouse and awesome plants I have a question though the fouth picture when scrolling up from the bottom what is the plant in the front planter? and I love the shelves full of desert rose we had one once but it bloomed pink so my daughter took it to school and donated it to her teacher she hates pink
Thank You once again MY FRIENDS I truly appreciate all of your encouragement!
My little business will remain a hobby for awhile, we are currently working on Work creating a income, my hubby is a home designer and we all know what has become of the housing industry right now.
So i guess i will put this on the back burner for now.
But y'all truly BLESS me, with your kindness and words of encouragement!
Someday maybe Tropicals by Treva will be a reality, and if not, I do LOVE my hobby!
I believe you are talking about the succulent ghost plant, in front of the star cactus.
awesome greenhouse and awesome plants I have a question though the fouth picture when scrolling up from the bottom what is the plant in the front planter? and I love the shelves full of desert rose we had one once but it bloomed pink so my daughter took it to school and donated it to her teacher she hates pink
Oh wow, Treva! I absolutely LOVE your greenhouse.

You certainly do look like you have quite a variety of plants growing. Thanks so much for sharing pics. I love to look at what my garden friends are growing. Very inspiring.
Oh wow, Treva! I absolutely LOVE your greenhouse.

You certainly do look like you have quite a variety of plants growing. Thanks so much for sharing pics. I love to look at what my garden friends are growing. Very inspiring.
Thank You! I am Loving it! I have had blooms all winter! I have some new pictures just need to find the time to upload! LOL
I have datura, Morning Glorys, Cactus, Daisys, Kalanchoe, Brazilian Fireworks, and some succs blooming right now!
Very cool, with me being a horticulturist my hubby is saying that we will shortly run out of space for my addiction. I was looking into home greenhouses. We don't have a great set up like you do to put it between the house and garage and off the back. We do have a great window in the above ground part of our basement that would lend itself to a nice greenhouse. We will see what happens with the economy and go from there. I am keeping our pennies pretty close to home right now. I love your set up.
Very cool, with me being a horticulturist my hubby is saying that we will shortly run out of space for my addiction. I was looking into home greenhouses. We don't have a great set up like you do to put it between the house and garage and off the back. We do have a great window in the above ground part of our basement that would lend itself to a nice greenhouse. We will see what happens with the economy and go from there. I am keeping our pennies pretty close to home right now. I love your set up.
Thank You Jade!
We kept the cost down by putting it where we did...also the windows and doors we saved from our remodel (you can find free windows and doors on freecycle alot) The shelving came from racks a $general store was discarding, my hubby just redesigned them, so basically our cost was in the roof, pvc and wood.
As for the economy I really do understand that, my husband designs homes so his employment is connected to the housing industry! Need I say more LOL!!!
I cant wait to see your pictures when you get your greenhouse built!
Absolutely beautiful. Did I see a piece of staphilia gigantica in one of those pictures? Someone gave me a plant 10 years ago and it bloomed for the first time this summer, I had no idea what it was and was sure surprised at the flower.
I am so jealous that you have such a beautiful haven to do what you love. Just love your pictures from which I have gleamed some ideas of my own. Your husband was a sweety for doing this for you, so you better hold on tight. He is definitely a keeper!
OMG.. That is a lovely little spot to place your sunroom. I love it. Lovely pics too. I saw your website earlier today and you have some lovely plants.
Your greenhouse and plants are very nice! is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to