Updated trade list!

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Hi Kya and Latebloomer
Yes I have Moscovey Ducks, we started with 2, Daisy and Donald, soon added Huey, Dewey, and Louie.
When I went to Colorado for 10 days I came home to 24 babies!!!!:eek:
Well a couple of weeks ago a man with a 24 acre pond came and got all but 3 of them.
Ok you did not ask for my story just what kind they were! lol
Latebloomer is right they are Muscoveys! Great for keeping the bugs down!:D
Love the story anyway!
I remembered as I read somewhere the breed seems to be a favorite of top chefs right now. I think it might have had something to do with the fat content of the meat compared to other ducks.
I have Khaki Campbell ducks. They are prolific egg layers though mine are too young to lay eggs yet.
YES Latebloomer
My husband keeps threatning to eat my ducks!!!!!!!!!!!:(
Love the story anyway!
I remembered as I read somewhere the breed seems to be a favorite of top chefs right now. I think it might have had something to do with the fat content of the meat compared to other ducks.
I have Khaki Campbell ducks. They are prolific egg layers though mine are too young to lay eggs yet.

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