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Those smaller strings of white & clear lights have other uses besides as Christmas decorations.
I have used them in various ways at weddings: such as dressing an arbor for a wedding, on & around reception tables, especially mixed in colored net or tulle, in large glass vases for decor.
We also use them in our backyard - there is a string that runs over the top support bar of our swing. On the deck- holes have been drilled out and rope lights have been run underneath the handrails on our deck (gives great ambient light with no glare), they also look awesome running up a porch post twined with an evening flowering vine.
If you have a patio umbrella, you can purchase a special light kit for the vanes, or just twine a small string of lights of any color up the umbrella pole. This is gives soft effective lighting that doesn't glare in anyone's face and doesn't disturb the mood of the evening.
One neat thing my DH did was to drill holes under the handrails of the sundeck he built - he threaded Rope lights through the holes under the flashing of the handrails - you can not see the lights, but they give off a lovely glow for sure footing and are great for ambiance.
These are very inexpensive and versitale solutions for ambient lighting that will allow guests to see where they are going or the person they are speaking with, all without intruding on the view or the party. Guests always comment on the effectiveness of these little party pleasers.
We also have lovely low electrical walkway lights for the front flowerbeds. Our shed in back is painted & roofed to match the house & also has these lights around it.
What special lighting do you have and how do you make use of them?
I like the effect of the Christmas lights and also have them attached to the patio umbrella. Thanks for the ideas Dizzy, I'll be adding them since I have many on hand, to my railings and such.
I have lots of those clear single strand lights Dizzy. Thanks for the ideas. I think I am going to add some solar lights in the front flower beds. My neighbor added some a few weeks ago they look nice. She has the copper.
I found some cool lights at a thrift store the other new form Taget...they are on a string with little boxes that have butterflies...very nice affect...I have them in the sunporch for now...but once spring is in full glory ...I plan on hanging them in the back yard...
lets talk about going green on out door lighting, you can get the same lighting but not use any electric, just buy using solar power. you can find solar lighting that will stay on up to 12hrs or can find then to light up your out door Christmas tree, or other plants. I started using them about 2 yrs ago and seen a big drop in my lighting bill, this year I will replace all the out side light in the back yard to solar ,2 spot light will go in the side garden to replace the light that comes on a dusk and off in the morning, one set of 3 spots will replace the patio light, I'm looking at a savings of about $25.00 a month and with things the way they are its a big savings, the cost so far has run me about $200.00 but I'll get that back in no time there so many things you can run now days with solar power and it the end you will help save your self and mother earth, you can find them ebay or at any big box store
I saw something I thought was really pretty! It's votive glasses, the kind that have a fluted top. The ones that were used were frosted. Someone had taken some heavy wire and wrapped it around the tops of the votives with a long piece of wire. They made the wire in between each one curly. They had candles in them. It was pretty! They were hanging between the post of the patio! Kim
GB that is a great idea unless you live in the PNW and don't see sunshine for days on end. I don't have lighting in my garden. I think gardens that are lit at night are beautiful but I can't stand to waste the energy or pay the bill when I'm not out there to enjoy it. There are two lights on my deck and one at the back door. Both are on motion sensors so they are only on long enough to get in and out the door unless we are actually out on the deck.
Bernie you can get garden light that are solor powered, they don't need a lot of sun to power them up just daylight. There are also very low voltage electric lights available that don't run up your electric bills.
lets talk about going green on out door lighting, you can get the same lighting but not use any electric, just buy using solar power. you can find solar lighting that will stay on up to 12hrs or can find then to light up your out door Christmas tree, or other plants. I started using them about 2 yrs ago and seen a big drop in my lighting bill, this year I will replace all the out side light in the back yard to solar ,2 spot light will go in the side garden to replace the light that comes on a dusk and off in the morning, one set of 3 spots will replace the patio light, I'm looking at a savings of about $25.00 a month and with things the way they are its a big savings, the cost so far has run me about $200.00 but I'll get that back in no time there so many things you can run now days with solar power and it the end you will help save your self and mother earth, you can find them ebay or at any big box store
I've also had the same thing happen to me. Patio Umbrellas can really help with your situation. I bought mine from this online store, and it just works out really well. Oh! and it also makes my garden look that much better. Take a look at it is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to