Weights and measures

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After dozens of phone calls from my kids I made a cookbook of their favorite recipes for them. I included the following charts which has been helpful to me and to them. Bernie


2 cups =1 pint
2 pints = 1 quart
4 quarts = 1 gallon
16 tablespoons = 1 cup
4 tablespoons = 1/4 cup
3 teaspoons = 1 tablespoon.
1 heaping teaspoon = 3 teaspoons
1 heaping teaspoon = 1 tablespoon
1 rounded teaspoon = 2 teaspoons
1 heaping tablespoon = 4 or 5 level teaspoons

In Terms of Cups and Spoons:

Almonds - 1 ounce chopped, equals 1/3 cup
Baking Powder - 1 ounce equals 2 1/2 tablespoons
Beans, dried - 1/2 lb. equals 1 cup
Butter - 1/2 lb. equals 1 cup 1 ounce equals 2 tablespoons
Celery - 1 average stalk, minced, equals 4 tablespoon
Cheese, grated - 1 ounce equals 1/2 cup
Chicken - A 3 1/2 lb. yields about 3 cups diced meat
Chocolate - 1 ounce equals 1 square or 4 tablespoons grated
Crumbs, bread - 2 ounces equal 1 cup
Crackers - 3/4 cup equals about 1 cup bread crumbs
Flour - 3 1/2 cups equal about 1 lb.,
- 4 tablespoon. equals 1 ounce.
Lard - 1 cup, packed solid, equals 1/2 lb.
Meat - 1 lb., as purchased, equals when cooked,
- about 3 cups minced or 2 cups packed
Nuts - 1 cup shelled equals 4 ounces
Nuts - 1 lb. in shell equals about 1/2 lb. shelled
Onions - 1 large, minced, equals 1/2 cup
Onions - 1 medium, minced, equals 5 tablespoons
Onions - 1 small, minced, equals 3 tablespoons
Raisins - 1 cup equals 6 ounces.
Rice - 1 ounce equals 2 1/2 tablespoons, 2 cups equals 1 lb.
Suet - 1 lb. equals 4 cups chopped
Sugar, granulated - 1/2 lb. equals 1 cup,
- 1 ounce. equals 2 tablespoons
Sugar, brown - 1/2 lb. equals 1 3/8 cups
10 eggs, average size - equals 1 lb.
1 cup cornmeal - equals 6 ounces
1 wine glass - equals 1 gill - 2 gills - equal 1 cup


Abbreviations used below are T = Tablespoon, t = teaspoon, and c = cup
For: Use:
1 T cornstarch 2 T flour or 1 1/2 T tapioca
1 c sifted all-purpose flour 1 c + 2 T sifted cake flour
1 c sifted cake flour 1 c - 2 T sifted all-purpose flour
1 c flour for bread 1/2 c bran, whole-wheat, or corn meal + enough
all-purpose flour to fill 1 c.
1 c self-rising flour 1 c flour + 1 1/2 t baking powder + 1/2 t salt
1 T flour (thickening) 1/2 to 2/3 T cornstarch or 1 T tapioca or 1 whole egg or
2 egg yolks
1/4 c dry bread crumbs 1/4 c cracker crumbs or 1 slice bread, cubed; if using
as a binder, 2/3 c rolled oats
1 t baking powder 1/4 t baking soda + 1/2 t cream of tartar;
or 1/4 t baking soda + 1/2 c sour milk, buttermilk
or molasses (reduce other liquids by 1/2 c)
1 T fresh herbs 1 t dried herbs or 1/4 t powdered herbs
1 c melted shortening 1 c salad oil Watkins Grapeseed Oil
1 c shortening 3/4 c salad oil Watkins Grapeseed Oil
1 c Sour cream 1 T lemon juice + 7/8 c milk + 2 T margarine
1 c dairy sour cream 2 T lemon juice + evaporated milk to make 1 c.
1 c sour milk 1 cup sweet milk + 1 1/3 T vinegar or 1 1/2 T lemon juice
1 c light cream 2 T butter + 1 c - 2 T milk
1 c heavy cream, whipped 2/3 c well-chilled evaporated milk, whipped or 2 c.
prepared dessert topping
Liquor Equal amount fruit juice
1 c corn syrup 1 c sugar + 1/4 c water
1 1/2 c corn syrup 1 c sugar + 1/2 c water
1 c sugar 1 c honey (reduce other liquid by 1/4 c and reduce
baking temperature by 25 degrees)
1 c granulated sugar 1 c packed brown sugar or 1 1/2 c powdered sugar
1/2 c brown sugar 2 T molasses in 1/2 c granulated sugar
1 c powdered sugar 1 c granulated sugar + 1 t cornstarch, blended or
processed until powdered
1 c molasses 1 c honey or dark corn syrup
1 c honey 3/4 c sugar + 1/4 c liquid
1 whole egg (to lower cholesterol) 2 egg whites (any use except
1 t finely shredded lemon 1/2 t extract or 1/2 t dried lemon or orange peel
1 c canned tomatoes 1 1/3 c cut up fresh tomatoes, simmered 10 min.
1 square chocolate 3 1/2 T cocoa powder plus 1/2 T butter or
3/4 T cocoa powder + 1/2 T shortening
10 miniature marshmallows 1 large marshmallow

How Many Cups Are There in a Can?

No. 1 size weighs 10 ounces. - 1 1/3 cups
No. 2 size weighs 1 lb., 3 ounces. - 2 1/2 cups
No. 2 1/2 size weighs 1 lb., 12 ounces. - 3 1/3 cups
No. 3 size weighs 2 lbs., 1 ounce. - 4 cups
No. 5 size weighs 3 lbs., 8 ounces. - 7 cups
No. 10 size weighs 6 lbs., 7 ounces. - 13 cups
A No. 2 1/2 can of peaches or pears has 12-15 halves
A No. 2 1/2 can of apricots, vary in size - 24-40 halves

Table of Uncommon Conversions

2 pinches = 1 bit
4 bits = 1 smidgen
2 smidgens = 1 dollop
3 dollops = 1 gaggle
1 gaggle = 2 glugs
2 glugs = 1 blanket
3 blankets = 1 smothering
Volume may vary with altitude

Liquid Measures

1 fluid dram = 3/4 teaspoon.
1 fluid ounce. = 2 tablespoon.
1 liter = 1.06 quarts
1 tablespoon - averages 2 ounces of liquid

Less Common Measures

a speck = 1/4 salt spoon
2 coffee spoons = 1 teaspoon
4 salt spoons = 1 tablespoon
2 teaspoons = 1 dessert spoon
1 cooking spoon = 1 tablespoon
Size of a nut = 1 teaspoon.
Size of an egg = 1/4 cup
60 drops = 1 teaspoon
1 tablespoon - averages 1 ounce of dry
Thanks a million for sharing with us, especially the uncommon measures...very funny...printed the netire thing off to put in my family cookbook!
Thank you Bernie for the measurements. I have a few common ones in my cookbook. I need this to breakdown my mother's recipes as most of her recipes are in bulk.
I didn't make up this list. I found it somewhere years ago. Comes in handy when trying to cut a recipe down for cooking for two.

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