West KY

GardenForums.com a friendly and growing community of gardeners. We feature a Garden Discussion Forum and Garden Photo Gallery. It's a fun and friendly place to talk with other gardeners, ask questions, share you knowledge, view and post photos and more! Whether you're a master gardener, or brand new to the hobby, you'll find something of interest here.


New Member
I want to check in so that anyone who cares will know I am here. A little bird told me about this site so here I am. Never enough gardening for me ~ my "normal" friends are sick-to-death of hearing about it.
I live in beautiful western Kentucky ~ just a few miles west of Land Between the Lakes national recreation area. We suffered a horrible ice storm recently and have a lot of damage, but we will survive. I was worried about some plants in my yard, lots of trees down, but things are starting to do their spring-thing anyway, so all's well.
I am a Marshall County master gardener and am active in my group. Although we are small, we do a lot in the community. In three weeks, we are having a free vegetable gardening clinic with guest speakers, free plants, demos, door prizes, etc. We do this every year and it is well-received.
So anyhoo ..... yada-yada. Good to be here!
Welcome KeeWee
Glad to see you here, jump right in and make yourself at home. Wished I lived closer as I would attend the veggie gardening clinic, sounds interesting
Hello Kelly and Welcome ....always nice to see need faces...Look forward to seeing you around...
Welcome to the forum, KeyWee. There are other 'bluegrassers' hanging around here too although I am not one of them. We had some storm damage here (Oregon) last December and are still cleaning up. It will be a busy summer as I rebuild the berry patch and clean up more fallen trees/limbs.
Welcome Kelly, glad you found us and joined our gardening fun. Looking forward to getting to know you.
Hi KeyWee glad you came I told you there were alot of old friend's here and new one's also.Hope you decide to stay with us.:)
Kelly good to have you here. We all like good gardeners to join but some of us aren't so good.lol
Welcome to the group....I worked as the agriculture program sec for our local ext for 15 yrs.....worked with the MG's and they had lots of great classes, and programs....our garden day at the local college was always big hit.....
Hello Kelly, welcome to gardenforums. there are alot of great people here who are right up your alley. Jump on in to any of the wonderful posts/threads. Again Welcome Annette
HI kelly welcome to gardenforum. I'm glad that little bird tweeted youin this direction. Lots of great gardeners here.
Hi Kelly and welcome to GF. You'll have a great time here, friendly people with a lot of combined gardening knowledge, have fun!
Hello and Welcome, :D
Feel free to chew our ears off :D:D we will love every minute of it!:)

I want to check in so that anyone who cares will know I am here. A little bird told me about this site so here I am. Never enough gardening for me ~ my "normal" friends are sick-to-death of hearing about it.
I live in beautiful western Kentucky ~ just a few miles west of Land Between the Lakes national recreation area. We suffered a horrible ice storm recently and have a lot of damage, but we will survive. I was worried about some plants in my yard, lots of trees down, but things are starting to do their spring-thing anyway, so all's well.
I am a Marshall County master gardener and am active in my group. Although we are small, we do a lot in the community. In three weeks, we are having a free vegetable gardening clinic with guest speakers, free plants, demos, door prizes, etc. We do this every year and it is well-received.
So anyhoo ..... yada-yada. Good to be here!

Welcome from the Southeast part of Ky :)
I'm a Marion County Oregon master gardener,just received my certification in December and do enjoy it..Also an Oregon Garden Hort volunteer in nearby Silverton..
Look forward to chatting with you..
aka oremudpie

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