What did you buy this time?

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Well, right now our Home Depot doesn't have much put out in the way of plants -still too cold - BUT I did buy 4 bags of garden soil for one of my long flower beds (the dirt has really settled:eek:). Put that out.

I did get a box today from GHWild (LOVE that place!!) today!! Got some new lillies - LA Hybrids Royal Trinity, Dimension; some Akitva Oriental lily and Orienpet American Spirit - 3 of each -all this was $22, as I had a $10 off coupon. :D:D:D
Dont ya love Gilbert Wild. I buy from them often. I love their plants and bulbs
Today I bought miracle grow potting soil for 2.50 a bag so I bought tons.
ok told you I should not go in Lowe's unattended.
I bought a new pond liner, a programable thermostat for my A/C, 2 vent covers for a through the wall vent for my fridge, a new scraper, and I looked at dissapearing sliding screens for my french doors.LOL! If I had the measurements for the doors I would have gotten them too! Nothing but trouble!
Wait a minute Crabber you forgot the plants.lol I am avoiding them as much as possible this spring but I got an email from the wildflower center that the spring sale is the first weekend in april I am going to be out of town and I wanted to replace my agava that died over the winter. darn darn.
Well girls eat your heart out my man is worse than me about buying plants and seeds,everytiem he goes to town he coems back with soem sort of seeds,plants and whatevery.
Went out for for some ''spoilt" lucerne and came back with a stack of winter annual seedlings;)........forgot all about the lucerne!:rolleyes:
John, what is Lucerne? I know of Lucerne, Switzerland and it's also a dairy product brand here in the U.S. marketed by Safeway Stores. But your statement doesn't seem to fit either of those.
I got a dill and basil plant a couple of tomatoes I'm putting in pots and my hubby got some more marigold to plant. I got three caladiums to put in. oh I found this cute little trellis I got to put some cucumbers seeds to plant. oh yeah I got a cute little strawberry pot too. I told you I should not be let into Lowes.
Ok Pond is in, but not landscaped, that's why no plants last trip. I didn't want to worry about watering them while I was working on the pond. It took me all day Sat but it looks pretty good.I wanted to take a pictures yesterday but my camera battery was really dead! And this morning it is raining.
I meant to bring the waterfall into town with me to get the right connection parts but forgot it. I need to paint it because it is sandstone color and I have Grandfather green granite rocks.
This next weekend I will finsh the pond and buy landscape plants. Really, it's not like I don't have enough I could move from other places but I just gotta get something new :D
John, what is Lucerne? I know of Lucerne, Switzerland and it's also a dairy product brand here in the U.S. marketed by Safeway Stores. But your statement doesn't seem to fit either of those.

Hiya Randy I think it's called alfalfa in the US.....I often buy a couple of bales of it for mulch etc. when I can't get sugarcane mulch. :)
I live in the sugarcane state ( Florida, grows lots , not as much as we use to in the days of the sugar barons but still a state of production) anyway I have never seen sugarcane mulch. Maybe they just have it local to the Glades that's where the cane is grown. I willhave to see if I can find some. This interest me.
Ok Pond is in, but not landscaped, that's why no plants last trip. I didn't want to worry about watering them while I was working on the pond. It took me all day Sat but it looks pretty good.I wanted to take a pictures yesterday but my camera battery was really dead! And this morning it is raining.
I meant to bring the waterfall into town with me to get the right connection parts but forgot it. I need to paint it because it is sandstone color and I have Grandfather green granite rocks.
This next weekend I will finsh the pond and buy landscape plants. Really, it's not like I don't have enough I could move from other places but I just gotta get something new :D

yeah there is a lot of that I just have to get something new going on here too.
Randy my dad used to call alfalfa "Lucerne"
But everyone else called it alfalfa so I learned fast that the 2 were interchangable

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