What hardiness zone are you in?

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Most sources say zone 5 although I have seen a few that say zone 4 for Des Moines, IA.

Does wind chill count?? Now that I'm in Iowa I see situations where the actual temp is 20 but wind chill is 0. How does this effect zone rating?

Dora/Garden Goddess
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I'm in 5-5b and 6 depends on who you ask and what year*LOL
Put it this way, our season for growing veggies is about 125days, if you are blessed that year...

Kale :)
My guess is that wind chill is calculated using the relative humidity and wind velocity. It's doubtful that plants are subject to wind chill as their not built the same way we are. Our bodies are cooled by evaporation and exhalation. Relative humidity affects the rate of evaporation as does wind velocity.
My zone

I am Zone 5 Ohio.
We have bitter cold winters with temps sometimes zero or below..with or without windchill.

Some maps say 8/9 some say 9/10 and that is because from year to year is changes depending on weather trends this year is a 9
That's a lot of water, Sass. My part of Oregon is a zone 6. We have long wet springs often which really works well for berries, but can make growing tomatoes a real challenge.
That's a lot of water, Sass. My part of Oregon is a zone 6. We have long wet springs often which really works well for berries, but can make growing tomatoes a real challenge.

Randy and all the folks in Oregon you "HAVE" to plant your tomatoes in old tires. While I was living in Lake Oswego and putting in a veggie garden my neighbor came over and gave me that advise, well I did it and then put a 4ft tall piece of chicken wire around the outside of the tire as a cage. Those plants grew up and over the chicken wire, they were the biggest tomato plants I have ever seen with tons of tomatoes on them. The tires hold the heat from the sun all night.

I am in zone 6
OMGosh Lots of zone 5's. That is great as far as I'm concerned cuz it makes for great trading for me. I would love to be able to grow some of the wonderful tropicals that you zone 8's can grow.
South Carolina, zone 8 here. I have an Iris outside ..trying to bloom NOW!!! The weather is quite chilly this morning but has been up to 75 this week. My plants don't know wheather to sleep or bloom..very frustrating! Things are budding but we could have a freeze anytime that will cause us to lose blooms for the Spring.
Maps say 6b but alot of the old timers I have talked to say depending on the microclimates in the yard can be 7....

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