What is this flower.

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New Member
Can someone please tell me what this flower is? Its in my sisters garden and we don't know what it is. I have seen it somewhere before tho but just can't remember the name.


  • Dad pic 352.jpg
    Dad pic 352.jpg
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I think the leaves are the ones in the middle of the pic, long leaves, its had to tell, maggie is it the jagged leaves for the flowers?? or the long ones in the center???
It looks more like Scilla to me. My lily of the valley don't have flowers that look like that.
Can anyone identify this flower? Not sure where I got it, probably from a trade but the plant looks similiar to a Gladiolia.


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  • flower2.jpg
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I think the leaves are the ones in the middle of the pic, long leaves, its had to tell, maggie is it the jagged leaves for the flowers?? or the long ones in the center???

The long ones in the center. This one just popped up this year.
Maggie ..can you take another pic! And is it fragrant! the bells are they Fragrant!..

Doesn't look like an Iris I have ever seen..*lol
Look at the ground level if there is a tuber nearly stickin out of the ground it is an Iris.

Evidently I took it to be an Iris bulb when I got it cause I planted it in my Iris bed. I've never seen one like this.
Thanks for all the help.

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