What's the weather in your area? 2014 Edition

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3 or 4 blankets???? what????? hey I still have my blanket on the bed over here.....

thunderstorms the past two nights....I didnt hear a thing......cooled down nicely.....about 70 today.....better than those 88 degree days with heat index of 102.....
It was 53 degrees when I stepped outside this morning but will warm to about 80 degrees today. There were hardly any clouds.
hey it warmed up last night to 50F....only 2 blankets needed thank goodness!:D another sunny day with a few showers in the afternoon....73F
62F with mostly sunny skies...
Only going up to 72 this afternoon!! It is way below the norm for the last day of spring!!
No winds but noticed the clouds are coming out of the NW....
Expecting very light winds out of the NE later on this morning with daytime heating....

Got everything planted in the veggie garden yesterday, will mulch the garden with shredded leaves once we get a good soaking rain.........
Now need to pot up a few hundred more cactus seedlings<----this will keep me busy for a few days!!!! Doing 4" pots for the larger, faster growing species, and cell packs for the slower smaller seedlings!!!
We had rain last night and we are still overcast this morning. Temperature was 54 degrees when I went outside this morning.
62F with some high thin clouds....
Light winds out of the NE....
Should get up to 73 this afternoon.
Expecting to get back into the heat and humidity on Monday, which usually means thunderstorms and rain///////!
Happy First Day of Summer!!
well the unusual weather patterns continue here....last night we experienced a t/storm in the middle of the so-called dry season, over an inch of rain in about 15 mins...not complaining mind you as it refilled my near empty water tank....fine and sunny today 76F.......my peach and apple tree are in bud also.....2 months early......I'm not sure what to plant or fertilize at the moment.:rolleyes:


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Still below normal temps here!
61F going up to 75 this afternoon.....with low humidity....
Here's a bit of a change...winds are out of the east.....rather than NE!
No precip in the forecast until...maybe...on Tuesday!
Tomorrow the humidity moves back in with a humidex of 90F....
We just had another inland hurricane. :eek: Lots of heavy rain and it was blowing sideways so I don't have a clue what else to call it. It finally stopped and now just a heavy sprinkle but there's more thunderstorms in the forecast for today and tonight.
It's 64*F, totally overcast, and only a week away from July. :confused: No way it's ever that cool this late in June.

But we're over hip deep in tomatoes and the peppers are getting bigger too. :D Plus I will be getting a new banana plant soon. Awesome summer!
64F heading up to 81 with a humidex of 91!
Hazy early morning sunshine....with thin hazy clouds....
Light winds out of the SE ...will shift out of the south later on as the heat and humidity moves in!
Expecting thunderstorms later on today with daytime heating......we can sure use the rain!!
it sure has been a crazy weather season, thats for sure......it went down to 42 north of here last night.....
its 50 here this morning and going up to 84 today......with no humidity......
Weird weather for me...After being up here in the Pacific North West for almost 8 years now I should be use to such short growing seasons...my poor veggies are so confused.. lol we hit 82 two days ago...then woke to rain yesterday ..only to warm to 76...now cool and looking at more rain...OY
It was pretty warm today but I didn't check the thermometer. My guess would be about 82 degrees with thin clouds.
grey here this morning and 60......streetlamps are still on at 8:45am.........humidity and rain to come in lateron....
72F and overcast.....light winds out of the SW...
Very muggy with a humidex of 84...
Going up to 77 with a humidex of 91.....blah!!
Expecting showers and thunderstorms off and on all day.....
I think we were at about 75 degrees this afternoon. It was cloudy with a little mist this morning but the clouds were pretty well dissipated by noon.

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