What's the weather in your area? 2014 Edition

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hope your winter doesnt last as long as ours did John.....

cloudy this morning with a cool breeze, but thats not going to last if the sun comes out.....it will then be HHH
Winds are gusty out of the SSW....
Overcast with 80% chance of rain and thunderstorms...
79F for the high...
It's going to be a yucky day!!
we had thunderstorms for hours last night.....started about 10pm....and went well into the early morning.....
Overcast and 68F....
Partly cloudy this afternoon and 79F ....humidex of 90...
Then thunderstorms this evening and overnight as a cold front moves in...
Tomorrow's high ...only 72 as a cooler air mass from the north moves in.... then 68 for Weds!!!!!
It was hot today but will be hotter tomorrow. It got to be 90 degrees today. I worked out there in the sun most of the day and downed a lot of water in the process. I used to keep salt tablets in my service truck to use on days like this and probably should look into getting some.
I hope it doesn't too Bobbi.....fine and sunny then for something different, some clouds arrived! 71F......42F last night
HHH here still........never got the thunderstorms yesterday.......but they say they are coming this afternoon and will be very bad.....lots of flooding again........
How many bananas is that @Trax ? It is warm here. I started a new job only 4 blocks from my house so I walk to and from work. In the mornings
it is nice out. at lunch it is warm and by get off time it is hot but traffic is good. It is 76 here now but going up to 97 with few clouds.

I had 2 plants but one got ran over by a dog so now I only have one. But I may be getting another one soon. Btw, if this cold front reaches you then you should be getting cooler soon.

@ Randy. You'd be surprised by how many people want a cold coke in the heat. The first thing I grab is a bag of salty chips. Salt def cools people down faster than soda.

We had thunderstorms and heavy rain last night. Now it's 64*F and sunny but it still feels too cold. This should be the hottest month of the year and we're only going up to 83*F today and it will be even cooler for the next 2 days after that. *very confused!*
Cooling down today and windy!
66F ...going up to 72 this afternoon....with a humidex of 79....
Could see waterspouts on the lake today as the cooler air mass settles in.....
Going down to 55 tonight ...then only up to 66 tomorrow with low humidity!!!
This coldsnap will be short lived....warming up again by Friday!
This is weather we usually get in June.....not July!!
That's funny you mention that, Josh. I just wrote an email a little bit ago to Miss B and told her about my lunch which included a bag of chips for the salt. Besides that, I don't often have chips even though I find them quite tasty.

It's a hot one today and I'm staying inside this afternoon. It's about 95 outside. It's supposed to be a little cooler tomorrow.
I nom a lot of chips. There's just so many cool flavors! My favorites are the ones that taste like pizza and the mesquite BBQ chips but they even have chips made with yams.

It's 63*F and light rain. No way it can be 63 in July! Only going up to 76*F today with isolated showers then with thunderstorms tonight.
@ Ron. I think somebody accidentally hit the "cool" button when they tried to turn on the global warming this year. lol.
Ive had those sweet pot chips....they are tasty......

rain rain and more rain......we are flooded here in upstate NY......now for a few days to dry out.....got 8 inches in the past two days.....today will finally be sunny after 3 days of gloom.....and 78.......no humidity......
Being 4 weeks behind is weird this year, and it just not the growing season behind, but the weather too!
We have not broken any temp records and have been mostly below the norm, but we have had way too much rain for July.....and the humidex has been high for the most part!
59F and mostly sunny....with a line of clouds out over the lake....
Going up to 68 with low humidity.....might get a shower at some point later on ...
Going down to 52 overnight.....
Like Randy's Oregon weather we have been hot hot hot!! broke lot's of records. and humidity too!! something we are not used to! Ron and Trax...all your summer heat moved over here to BC this year! lot's of forest fires so that's not good. supposed to get some showers on saturday, hopefully without any lightening!!
LOL! I was wondering where our hot weather went... now I know!

It's 61*F here... Wut? :eek: Our high was only 70*F and we had more thunderstorms tonight already. Tons of rain and more thunderstorms moving in.
Our low tonight will be in the 50's... Wut? :eek: It's mid July and I'm wearing a sweater. Hope it doesn't snow.
But at least I got a lot of weeding done and that was cool till I grabbed a wasp. It had a huge stinger and that's in the middle of my hand now. It made a hard spot but now that's gone and I can type again, yay! Next time I'm grabbing my leather gloves.
.....went down to 50 last night.....nippy this morning at 63!!!
Light breeze out of the WSW.... with a few wispy clouds.... westerly for this afternoon...
Going up to ...maybe... 73 this afternoon....
....feels like Fall!!!
Wish the Jet Steam would move north where it normally should be for July!!!
That should happen tomorrow with a high of 77!
nippy here this morning as well......cloudy, little sunshine.....it probably wont get much past 70 unless the sun returns....very strange.....heard there is another polar vortex around......
We are at 87 degrees right now so that is slightly cooler than yesterday and slightly higher than was forecast.

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