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For some unknown reason, I was laying in bed, thinking about circles. Could everybody name one circular thing that impacts they're life. I don't know who invented the circle but I was thinking of the eyelets my shoelaces run through, a Cheerio....I was singing. Hubby asked,"WHAT are you thinking about?" Why don't they have postage stamps that are circular? uh... I got up. Just one thing... or more. :) I put his coffee in a thermos ~ Curbie


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Now isn't that awesome ~ radial symmetry. Never knew that! I was thinking about 3-D also. Awesome :) Thanks, Aussie ~ Curbie
For some unknown reason, I was laying in bed, thinking about circles. Could everybody name one circular thing that impacts they're life. I don't know who invented the circle but I was thinking of the eyelets my shoelaces run through, a Cheerio....I was singing. Hubby asked,"WHAT are you thinking about?" Why don't they have postage stamps that are circular? uh... I got up. Just one thing... or more. :) I put his coffee in a thermos ~ Curbie

first thing that came to my mind was my wedding ring..mark gave me this ring after we had been together for 6 years it was a little big so i wore it on my right hand..lost 2 diamonds...before we got married in '08 i had the diamonds replaced, reset and resized and he gave it to me all over again during our looks like a promise ring and in a way i hope it's a small little ring but it means the world to me..cavemen invented the wheel but i'm not sure they knew it was a circle...:)
Oh, how sweet, Tonya. I was thinking of the screw on lids to Gatorade bottles. Yours is MUCH more romantic :) ~ Curbie
I thought of the gears that make these things work ~ nooooo, i don't know how to fix anything. I can't even set the clock that works on.....gears....:) I truly was singing,"The Wheels on the BUS go round and round." How long are you going to thimk about circles? BUT do you know a BASKETBALL is a circle and so is the hoop. He left for work with a different view. DO YOU KNOW, the bottom of glasses are a circle DO YOU KNOW......he left :) DO YOU KNOW that a smiley face is a circle? DO YOU KNOW. ...No wonder the poor guy goes to work. ~ Man, these cavemen really began something ~ DO YOU KNOW the dials on your washer.......the lens of your camera. Daggone wheels :) ~ Curbie
If you launch a satellite at 8000m/s it will achieve a circular orbit. at slightly more than 8000m/s you will have an elliptical orbit. I did a presentation on this for my physics class. I like that circle.
My husband and I got on this topic last night at dinner and he mentioned a clock,Bella. Then we just went on and on and on. I said,"Traffic light" and he said,"They're not a circle!" The light part is...My GOSH Lyn. You surely passed that class! • Curbie •
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dear curbie were you watching the ceiling fan when you were thinking about circles???:)i like the idea of life being a circle...the ashes to ashes thing...what comes around goes around???this is like bad elevator music...everything i see reminds me of a circle now...thanx curbie...:)
miss lynpenny you are the bomb!!!!not an explosive device...but what a mind!!!!sooo smart, i envy you:rolleyes:i can't even spell physics much less know anything about them...loling:):)
I seriously WAS watching a ceiling fan ~ you know me too well ! Donuts...knobs.... I gave it away singing The Wheels on the Bus...a doily. :) Curbiez
How about the circle of life? I have seen it come full circle from my grandmother to my granddaughter. With each generation the circle gets bigger, is there no begining and no end to a circle? Can the circle be the sign for infinity. Maybe it is the key to the universe.
Ok Curbie, you are very catching, now I am singing " The wheels on the bus go round and round" LOL!
Unlike sweet Tonya My first thought was a wheel, w/o them where would we be.

"The..Wheels on the bus go round and round..round and round..round and round..the wheels on the bus go round and round all the live long day!!"

Sorry the first thing I thought of when I saw your post!! :p

actuall the first "round" thing I thought of was my Soda can :D
I look at these lights on the 'I don't know what it's called' part on my desktop and say,"These tiny lights are circles." We were talking about it on TheDogPacth this morning. Our friend Ernie (HIGHLY intelligent) asked,"WHY do you make me think about these simple things??? I love it." Stained glass windows in churches.... yep, the circle of life (Land Before Time :) ) • Curbie•
Church windows like the rose window at Notre Dame. I will take a picture for you. I am looking for circles here and now I will be looking on our trip. Hey not everyone gets to look in Paris.
WOOHOO! When do you go to Paris? A flower pot is usually a circle. Buttons on a remote for anything. I am quite grateful to those cavemen. BUBBLES! I wonder if certain types of people think 'in circles' and others think 'in rectangles'. We should do a study on this.....Are you a rectangle or a circle? •That could be a question on The Census... • ~ Curbie
Circles huh??? The first thing that came into my mind was Lp's. ( yea,those round things made of vinyl that also had a middle circle hole in the middle ) after I thought about that: I took note of the change I had in my jean pocket!
Note to Curbie about those lights on your computer : They are called LED Lights and are in most electronic items these days and yes,they are very colorful and round too!! :p - Just thought I'd help ya out -
thank you , prh......but they're on a tower-ish thing on the top of this desk. Oh, Dell loves when I call them. :p "HEY! How are you? Now listen, I don't know what I'm talking about but there's this thing that is attached to the back of the computer and I THINK I cat disconnected it so...don't be mean to me. Can somebody just come over?" We can walk you through it. oh not you can't :) Yeah ~ see I thought of CD's. Do you have a lot of LP'S? Good ol' turntable. I think the last one I ever had was a 45 where you had to put that thing in the middle of the record player to play a 45. I'd love to have an old record player. The top of a stool is circular :) ~ Curbie • • • is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to
