I started out loving vines until moonflower and morning glory took several beds over.I volunteer for a friend to help her, it goes nuts there about 55 feet along her fence chokes every plant including her roses. So I help her, she often looses track.She tried preen...nothing stops those vines. At my house I just pull although they have very photogenic blooms, I love shooting them

Then after I rid them (controlled sorta) I received a never ending gift of
Wild buckwheat vine that is faithful every year had found residency in a rock garden and now a few others....

Will grow and set seed for yearssssss.I just used my compost that was near where it grew after 3 years well I have them in pots

Easy enough to pull but that is one determined seed...years... 31/2 feet!*LOL more like 30 1/2 feet!
here is what the booger looks like..
I tried Honeysuckle..it climbed all the way up to my neighbors gutter*LOL
I pulled and moved elsewhere.It was beautiful and hummers love it. I also tried a fast grower Sweet Autumn Clematis..Finally moved her she is gorgeous but too wild for the center of a garden.Hopefully she will be happy in her new home.I also tried a purple clematis which may have not done well because it was close to the nutty honeysuckle.
Moved all vines to different location gave nice trellis and they better use them*LOL
As far as annuls I simply adore..so far... only grew one last year.Not much in performance, it was wintersowed (07-08season) I discarded the others because was advised not to grow it but I didn't have the heart to discard the last one.
I love it, have 5 so far this year that germinated!
packs says Cardinal Vine, Cardinal Climber, Cypress Vine
Many squash vines are nice.I am not sure if it is crook neck or straight neck that vines.and has white flowers.A neighbor on the next street grew them. It sure took off up their awning! I have both germinated.
If anyone knows, can you please tell.
Also,I checked and can't find Scarlet Runner beans locally, although it sounds very familiar.I know I didn't grow it, I may have sowed it years ago.
Jade what will you grow?
How much sun and what times does it hit your Hostas?
Ron, are you the one that told me about the wild buckwheat years ago '05 maybe?