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Hi all!! I am new here. I used to be ServantsHeart at GardenHere but since I left my bad marriage I have to start all over again with nothing. I will appreciate any help anyone can offer for postage. Thanks!! I need everything and nothing will be looked down on or refused!!! Please no older than 2 yrs though--so many things are no longer viable 6 months - 1 year from being harvested!! Thanks!! Bonnie
Bonnie I am so glad to see you made it to our site.
I might can help with some new plants for your yard, PLMK what you are looking for and I will see if I can round some up.
I know I have some iris, shastas, ditch lilies, pink hardy geraniums, and some other stuff.
Super Moderator & vegemm
Staff member
HI Bonnie, I remember you from NHGC...Nice to see you here...I am vegemm on NHGC...we meet many years ago...Did you get married again?
Hello Kya D--I will get back to you PM if available here. Plan to move in the next couple of months since I got a good job recently!!
Flower4Yeshua--how nice to run into old friends!! I have trouble getting in and getting around at GardenHere so may not even try to much!! lol This site is so much easier! And with so many old friends here why not hang out here??!! I DID have friends at NHGC though some bad experiences due to one or two people who thought who knows what about me or why??! I am a very nice person, non-judgmental (or try to be) and generous to a fault!! lol
I got your PM Bonnie and PM'd back. I am so glad you are more settled and happier now.
Hi Bonnie, glad to hear you're getting settled. Always happy to share with a flower-bud - PM or email me with your new addy info & I'll see what I can get together for you. 
Bonnie your seeds went out this morning.
I got seeds from latebloomer on Monday but so far (maybe today--will look when I get home from work tonight) nothing from anyone else. Thanks LateBloomer!! God Bless You!! Bonnie
May God bless you too,Bonnie dear. Hope they grow abundantly for you.
Nice to see you again!!!
I remember you and glad we met up again!!! Please take a look at my trade list and I'll be glad to send you any plants for postage. I've done away with my seeds, so just have the plants. Take care my friend.!!
FantasyGirl--can't send PM to you since you haven't allowed it. Library will be closed until Sept 21 so will possibly need some time to get back to you!! Hope your trade list is here--you didn't say where. But I will look now and see!! Thanks!! Hmmmm...I do not remember anyone named FantasyGirl--what was your handle before?? Will need to pm my address to you or get your email!
What was your handle before?? Library closed til Sept 21st so I will need some time to get back to you. Also you do not allow PM so how do you get my address vs versa??? Hope your trade list is here--you didn't say. Will look now!! Thanks!! Bonnie is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to