hen and chick plants

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i would like to trade some of these for some seeds ,the ones i,m
looking for are ,
heavenly blue M G
Japanese MG
zinna lime,
queen redlime,
and zowie,,
four o,clocks all kinds
Nancy B.
Nancy I have some 4'0' clock seeds. They are yellow with pink stripes.
I also have zinnia Green envy.
PLMK if you would like them.
OMGosh Girl I just went thru my seeds and have Heavenly blue too:D
They will go out in this mornings mail.:)
Ms Nancy your pkg went in this mornings mail. Even though it was very large it only weighed a few ounces. So it went flat rate priority 4.95.
I was happily surprised
PLMK when it arrives
Ms Nancy your pkg went in this mornings mail. Even though it was very large it only weighed a few ounces. So it went flat rate priority 4.95.
I was happily surprised
PLMK when it arrives

oh Kya D the pkg. came today ,:) i,m so happy and pleased with it . hope we do this again some time . take care Nancy B.
I am so glad they made it in good shape, That was such a LONG box I kinda worried about it.

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