I am looking for....

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I would Love to have a Clematis! The ones with Big blooms!
I have tried several times to grow them from seed...No Success!!!
So I am now looking for Clematis cuttings...anyone have any they would share?
I would Love to make a trade or pay postage??? Anyone??? :D

Thank You
God Bless You
I have some clematis...

Hi Treva, I have a few different kinds of clematis - I don't know all of thier names. I have 1. sweet autumn, 2. a really pretty larger flower -- i think it's purpleish/pink -- 3. small purple and I think a 4. small blue. I just closed up my sale today and am having one next weekend also. But as soon as I get your goodies together I can send you cuttings from any of these too. Just let me know if you'd like any. I will pm you once I send postage and your goodies. Thanks again and take care, Becki
I wish I could say I had some for you Treva, but I only have the Sweet Autumn Clematis which is small white flower and It's still small Thanks to DH who passed the weeder through it... Right now trying to grow some Jackmanii from seed, wish me luck!!!! Next time I'll have some for you....LOL!!
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Thank You Nancy, I saw some pictures with huge blooms and thought...hmmm...gotta have those lol!!!
I tell you my plant addiction is BAD!:eek:
Good Luck growing from seed...I have not been successful with that??:D

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